Enchanted Lake Residents Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Virtual Meeting, Tuesday, 15 February 2023
PRESENT: Greg Colbert, Mike Compton, Linda Jenks, Todd Jewell, Margaret Novack, Alan Richardson, Fran Tannen, Cindy Turner, and Melody Spencer (Admin)
Bob Bourke, Guest
ABSENT: Duston Dawson, Connie Jewell, Gus Gustavson, Danny Medeiros, and Don Young
CALL TO ORDER – Greg Colbert: The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm. A quorum was declared.
APPROVAL OF THE JANUARY MINUTES – Margaret Novack: Draft minutes were emailed to the Board by C. Jewell prior to the meeting. L. Jenks moved to approve the January minutes and A. Richardson seconded the motion. The remaining members approved the minutes report unanimously.
FINANCIAL REPORT – Gus Gustavson had emailed the Profit and Loss – Budget vs Actual (cash basis) (Jul 22-Jan 23) report and a Statement report to the Board prior to the meeting.
He stated: There are no significant changes in the ELRA finances for the month of January 2023.
The American Savings Bank January end of month balances are $2,252 in Savings and $30,431 in Checking.
The FY 2023 Year to Date Actual versus Budget spreadsheet shows that expenses are tracking well with our budget estimates.
Our assessment revenue from DPP Single Family Lakefront homes is about $3400 below last FY, or about 11 residences. As mentioned in last month’s report, there were 37 Assessed Members who are delinquent in assessment payment for a total of $64,968. It is expected that additional revenue will be received following the receipt of delinquency letters.
Thanks to Alan Richardson and Adam Bookatz for their continued support of the ELRA finances
The Financial report was approved by acclimation, pending audit.
Correspondence Report – Don Young: No report.
Kailua Neighborhood Board (KNB) Meeting Report – Margaret Novack attended the meeting via WEBEX and reports as follows:
Chairman Bill Hicks, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. He asked the Board Members who were attending via WEBEX to self-identify.
First item of business was the reminder that 2023 Neighborhood Board Elections are now open. Deadline to register: FEBRUARY 17, 2023. Visit https://web1.hnl.info/nbe or Call 808-768-3710 For more information
There will be a Community Cleanup on 25 Feb 23, 0830 to 1130. Location TBD. More information is available at https://www.picktime.com/swq or Kyle at 808 768-4319.
Community concerns focused on Kailua Beach and its environs.
- There are increased homeless people living under the Lanikai Bridge over the Kaelepulu Stream. They may be harassing walkers and those who insist on taking photos. The HPD will check on this.
- Kite Surfing lesson are still being given at the beach, even though it is illegal. HPD stated that they must catch them in the act to do anything.
- Night Diving may be taking more fish from the bay that would be expected for a non-commercial event.
Other complaints focused on the construction at the Kalapawai Roundabout. Several citizens complained about the detour that funnels traffic, to include city busses, onto Ku’ukama Street. The drivers are ignoring the 15 MPH speed limit. This is a narrow residential street without sidewalks. There are many walkers and bikers on this street, particularly in the morning and afternoon when the Kailua Intermediate School is in session. The consensus was that HPD was not recognizing the problem. HPD will check on this.
Representatives of Marine Corps Base, Hawaii presented two topics:
- The first was the Environmental Assessment for bringing new aviation resources to the Base. This brief presentation brought about significant negative response from the meeting attendees.
- The second was a brief-back about the controversial fence intended to keep intruders out of the Marine Corps/Air Force Training area at Bellows. This presentation was warmly received.
This being the first KNB meeting during the current HI Legislative Session, all elected officials were either present or represented. Each talked about their legislative packages.
During the presentation by Mayor Blangiardi’s rep, ELRA’s Linda Jenks posed the following question:
“My question is for the mayor’s office, and is about the maintenance of the storm water drainage system in Kailua. About five years ago the city installed 38 basket filters inside the curb inlet drains in Kailua. Recently we have looked at several basket filters and found them to all be full with what appears to be road gravel. The DFM Kaneohe base yard is tasked with the periodical emptying and cleaning of these filters. Can you please provide us with a schedule of what dates these filters were cleaned over the past five years, and when they are scheduled to be cleaned in the future. Mahalo!”
Board business included three motions that were quickly passed at the end of the meeting.
- The Kailua Neighborhood Board supports the Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Hawaii Youth Council resolution urging the Hawai’i State Legislature to enact comprehensive tobacco regulations designed to end the epidemic of youth e-cigarette use. (Public Safety, Public Health, and Civil Defense Committee motion.)
- The Kailua Neighborhood Board recommends that a cultural consultant be on site at 1508 Mokulua Drive to monitor excavation of a new pool as it is being constructed. (Planning, Zoning, and Environment Committee motion.)
- The Kailua Neighborhood Board supports SB1470 and HB1235 that would require the Department of Public Safety to install digital cameras in all guard control rooms at the Kailua Women’s Community Correctional Center and require all guards to wear body cameras while on duty. (Individual motion; will require a second.)
The KNB meeting adjourned at 10:02 pm.
2023 Goals & Objectives Review – Greg Colbert: This discussion was deferred until the next meeting, when members could meet in person.
Dredging Committee – Greg Colbert: Colbert indicated that this month he had interacted on two fronts: American Marine and UH’s Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences.
As agreed, Colbert provided information related to the questions posed during the January Meeting:
- American Marine regarding what is involved in creating an island and looking at the island in Hawaii Kai: AM was requested to provide comparative costs between building an island or trucking to a yet to be determined location.
- Lisa Martin and Chris Lee possible farm sites in Waimanalo: Were not contacted.
- UH extension service water test results: UH’s Theodore J.K. Radovich, Ph.D., Extension Specialist, Researcher & Professor is working with Colbert. Radovich was given two frozen cores taken from the planned-for dredge site in the lake channel. The early tests were good, but they only focused on such things as heavy metals. A bioassay is next. Colbert is hoping for a clean report.
- Ameron at Kapaa Quarry as a possible dredge disposal site: Was contacted but declined as they were concerned that accepting materials would impact their permit and potentially cause them to be considered a landfill in violation of their permit.
Environmental Committee – Linda Jenks: Jenks provided the following report.
Storm Drain Project: On January 21, 2023, Bob Bourke, Scott Ferguson, Hugo deVries and I did an inspection and assessment of several of the storm drains in the Enchanted Lake basin.
We investigated the storm drain systems by prying off manhole covers and recording the contents of the drain system catchment system.
About 5 years ago, the City & County installed 38 basket filters inside curb inlet drains in Kailua. Upon checking these basket systems, we found the ones we were able to investigate, to be completely full, mostly with what appears to be road gravel. We did an analysis of the debris, including analysis of the green waste that we did find, and of the gravel appearing contents.
- The results of the lab analysis from the UH lab cost $177.00 and will be shared with the city and county.
- Again, on February 11, 2023, we investigated a storm drain on Keolu Drive across from Kukilakila, a drain labeled on maps as drain #32. We cleaned out the drain, measured the amount of debris contained in the drain, and removed what appeared to be a long circular sock that was likely installed to remove any oils coming off the roadway. It appeared very old, and likely not doing much to remove any further oils from roadway runoff at this point.
- This information is being given to leadership at City and County DFM, in an effort to support them by giving them real time information on the state of the storm drains in our drainage system, that directly empties into Ka’elepulu pond, and ultimately into Kailua Bay and our ocean. It is an ongoing project, and we will be giving more information as the project continues.
- The plan is to monitor some of the storm drains for changes over time, such as how much debris collects in a given period of rainfall/ time.
- Discussion Followed: Bourke recommended a letter be written to Dawn Szewczyk, P.E., Director, Department of Facilities Maintenance (cc: Randall Wakumoto, Stormwater Dept for City and the local EPA) describing the actions of ELRA, include the data analyzed by the UH Lab, point out that BMPs work, but if they are not cleaned, they cannot work. Bourke also recommends inclosing one of the “Socks” taken out of one of the drains.
TASK 2-1 Draft letter to DFM describing ELRA Activity, sharing our data, and encouraging them to clean out the drains on a regular basis – L. Jenks, B. Bourke, D. Young
Berm Opening: Turner described the various berm openings that took place in January. There was agreement that it had been inefficient. B. Bourke stated that he had emailed G. Colbert, D. Young, C. Turner, and Levani Lipton (KNB) citing the best dates for berm openings. G. Colbert stated that he will connect with B. Bourke to discuss how to address this situation.
Hard Channel Vegetation Cutting: C. Turner reported that the city and county had been cutting the vegetation and removing most of it. However, in one instance the cuttings had been left along the channel near Kukilakila. Turner called and reported the problem. While she did not receive a response, the cuttings had been removed.
Olomana Heights: Hugo de Vries has driven through this site recently and did not note any evidence of heavy run-off. It was also acknowledged that there had not been a lot a heavy rain.
Operations Committee – Mike Compton:
Security: The boat is running well. Security Boat had engaged with two unstickered watercrafts. One was a fisherman and the other a barge. Both departed the lake.
Lake Clean-up: Compton reported that it is possible that a late March cleanup can be arranged. A local Scout Troop might be able to provide some support.
Microplastics: Compton reminded the Board that he had significant quantities of frozen Micro Plastics stored in his freezer and would like to dispense with them. B. Bourke suggested they be retained until the meeting with the Director, Department of Facilities Maintenance
Membership Committee – Danny Medeiros: Absent, no report.
Miscellaneous – Bob Bourke pointed out that there is a large mangrove tree growing at the edge of the lake on the Kamehameha Schools property. It should be cut. Colbert volunteered to write a letter to the Schools making this request.
TASK 2-2 Draft a letter to Kamehameha Schools requesting they remove the large mangrove – G. Colbert.
AJOURNMENT: G. Colbert adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm.
- Board of Directors Meeting: 14 March 2023 at 7:00 pm – Emmanuel Church
- Kailua Neighborhood Board Meeting: 2 March 2023 at 7:00 pm – Danny Medeiros
2-1 Task: Contact local mountain and motor bike clubs to seek cooperation concerning trails. Consider writing letter to private owner making them aware of the impact of the trails on down slope homes and Lake – To be addressed in the future.
8-3 Task: Oversee the possible reconditioning of existing ELRA Rafts/Barges – G. Colbert
8-8 Task: Follow-up with Kamehameha Schools regarding their payment of Maintenance Fees – G. Colbert
1-5 Task: Contact Blue Ocean Barns to discuss possible harvesting of seaweed in the Lake – G. Colbert