Aloha from the Enchanted Lake Residents Association!
We support initiatives that restore the quality of the Kaelepulu and Kawainui waterways for the benefit of the fish, endangered waterbirds, and other species who historically thrived in these waters. Improving this habitat will also benefit the many people who fish, play, visit, or live near these waters.
While the community is actively working to improve the ecosystem, we need the City to conduct monthly openings of the berm at Kailua Beach Park, and we need the State to restore partial, controlled water flow from Kawainui to Kaelepulu.
This will result in significant improvements to the ecosystem by mimicking the natural, historical hydrology of the estuary. With public and private entities working together, we can all look forward to vibrant, healthy waterways from Mauka to Makai.
About Ka‘elepulu Pond (Enchanted Lake) and ELRA
Ka‘elepulu Pond, located in Windward O‘ahu, is also known as Enchanted Lake and includes about 95 acres of water, wetlands, and small, low islands. It connects to the ocean at Kailua Beach Park via the Ka‘elepulu Canal. Access to the lake is restricted to residents who are members of the Enchanted Lake Residents Association (ELRA).
ELRA is a non-profit organization that holds title to and manages a 79.471-acre portion of the lake. The board of the ELRA has taken a proactive role in the management of the pond, with the ultimate goal of restoring Kaelepulu to support diverse fisheries resources and recreational activities in clean water. Read more about the lake’s history.
ELRA’s 2024 Annual Membership Meeting at the MidPac Country Club
More than 60 ELRA members and their guests attended the Annual Membership Meeting on Saturday, September 28, 2024. Click to read more and view the presentation shown at the event.

Important Association Documents
The Board Of Directors of the Enchanted Lake Residents Association (ELRA) is guided by three documents. These have been brought up to date recently, consistent with current Federal and Hawaii Law and Administrative Rules:
- The Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of Enchanted Lake Residents Association were approved by the Board of Directors on September 8, 2020, and filed with the State of Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs on October 21, 2020.
- The Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Enchanted Lake Residents Association were approved by the Board of Directors on September 8, 2020.
- The Rules and Regulations Governing Enchanted Lake were approved by the Board of Directors on June 8, 2021. The Lake Rules were last updated in 2006. The latest version is now in compliance with US Coast Guard Rules and Regulations and Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Boating and Recreation, Hawaii Administrative Rules for Boating, and Rules for Shore Waters and Shores.
Each of these documents may be viewed on the ELRA Website at the links above.
“Catch and Release” policy for Kaelepulu Pond
There is a strict catch-and-release policy in place for our lake . Any animal caught by any means, including fish, shrimp, crab, oysters, etc., must be released expeditiously — unharmed and alive — back into the Lake — with a temporary exception for large barracuda – see policy below.
We urge all to properly remove hooks and strongly encourage the use of de-barbed hooks. This will help keep our lake stock from being depleted and prevent anyone from eating potentially contaminated seafood. It also stops those who would take our fish for commercial purposes. Our goal is to have a healthy, clean lake for our wildlife and our members to enjoy!
As a reminder, Lake Use Rules paragraph VII Fishing states:
Only Assessed and Voluntary Members in Good Standing, their guests, family, or tenants, may fish in the Lake by pole or with rod and reel.
“Catch and Release” only – Any animal caught by any means, including fish, shrimp, crab, oysters, etc., must be released expeditiously, unharmed and alive, back into the Lake.
The following are PROHIBITED: Moored nets, gill nets, fish traps, spears, barbed hooks, and treble hooks. Exception: Crab traps are permitted within 15 feet of a Member’s own Lakeside property line.
WARNING – The Lake is not routinely tested for pollution, and the coliform count has been known to exceed public health standards, particularly after heavy rains. Eating anything from the Lake is at your own risk and is contrary to the catch-and-release policy.
Large Barracuda over 24″ long are exempt from Catch and Release fishing rules
“Catch and KEEP” should be applied to barracuda over 24 inches in length. This exemption is part of an ongoing effort to manage the barracuda population in the lake, specifically the very large barracuda. The nature and duration of this policy may be adjusted over time based on population estimates.
If you “catch and keep” a barracuda over 24 inches, take a picture and email it to along with the date and location of the catch. Ideally, the picture will clearly establish its length (include a measuring stick, etc.). This data will enable us to monitor the barracuda population and adjust policy as needed.
WARNING – Small craft operators such as kayak, canoes and SUPs should be aware that there are very large fish in the lake – some over 6 feet. Stay aware of your surroundings.
Check out ELRA’s Algae Harvester
To help control algae growing in the lake, ELRA purchased a custom-built Eco Harvester in 2018, and it arrived in early 2019. Since then, many tons of algae have been removed from the lake and turned into compost. To see a close-up video of the Eco Harvester in action, click here.
ELRA Board meetings and minutes
The ELRA board meets monthly on the second Tuesday of each month. Meetings alternate between virtual zoom meetings and in-person meetings. Lake members are welcome to attend the in-person meetings, contact us in advance to arrange and get location details.
You can read the monthly minutes after they have been reviewed and approved for publishing by the board.