Enchanted Lake Residents Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Virtual Meeting, Tuesday, 11 April 2023
PRESENT: Greg Colbert, Mike Compton, Gus Gustavson, Linda Jenks, Connie Jewell, Todd Jewell, Danny Medeiros, Margaret Novack, Alan Richardson, Cindy Turner, Don Young, and Melody Spencer (Admin)
Guests: Bob Bourke and George Lingle
ABSENT: Dustin Dawson and Fran Tannen
CALL TO ORDER – Don Young: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm. A quorum was declared.
APPROVAL OF THE MARCH MINUTES – Connie Jewell: Draft minutes were emailed to the Board prior to the meeting. M. Novack moved to approve the March minutes and G. Colbert seconded the motion. The remaining members approved the minutes report unanimously.
FINANCIAL REPORT – Gus Gustavson: There are no significant changes in the ELRA finances for the month of March 2023.
- The American Savings Bank January end of month balances are $2,252 in Savings.
- Unable to obtain the Checking account balance because the American Savings Bank website was having issues. The only checks that have been issued are the monthly recurring expenses and those approved previously by the board.
- Expenses are tracking well with our budget estimates. Alan and Adam are deeply involved in the tax season, so the FY 2023 Year to Date Actual versus Budget spreadsheet report will be provided separately at a later date.
The Financial report was approved by acclimation pending audit.
- Correspondence Report – Don Young: No report.
- Kailua Neighborhood Board Meeting Report – 2 Apr 23 – Connie Jewell: Highlights from the meeting:
- The annual Kailua town party will be held on Kailua Road in downtown Kailua on Sunday April 23rd 11:00 am – 4:00 pm.
- There will be a 4th of July Parade and Fireworks this year for the first time since 2019.
- Levani Lipton is organizing a new campaign, “Protect the Wai” to protect Kailua’s watersheds and waterways. She is looking for Kailua residents to help monitor pollution in the waterways. Visit the website protectthewai.com for more information. She is also encouraging people to submit photos of our watersheds and waterways on Instagram, #protectthewai with a description of what it means to protect our wai and why it is important to you.
- Levani Lipton also responded to a resident’s complaint regarding shopping carts and trash in the canal at the entrance to Kailua. She said that it is a known problem and that there will be a Genki ball event sometime in May and the community will be notified.
- Marine Corps Base reported that April is Earth month and residents are invited to participate in re-stenciling and remarking drainage systems. See their web site and/or their Facebook site for more information.
- Council member, Ester Kia’aina reported that for her operating budget the budget item for Kailua that is the most noteworthy is Kaelepulu pond. She said that she had $1.67 million in a budget that expires this June, so she is working with the Department of Facilities Maintenance who are trying to do the planning for about $500,000. So, Ester is putting in the budget an additional $500,000 of funding and is confident that $2 million dollars of funding will be secured to be able to continue both the planning and implementation process.
- Ester also reported that due to a couple of drownings at Kalama Beach Park she has included funding for both a tower and three lifeguards for that park. She knows that Ocean Safety will support it and it will get into the budget. Currently, Kailua Beach is servicing the whole area.
- Proposal to Amend Lake Rules – Don Young: Submitted a proposal to amend the lake rules to include boats and watercraft. G. Gustavson moved to approve the amendment and M. Novack seconded the motion. The remaining members approved the change unanimously.
4-1 Task: Update ELRA website with amended Lake Rules – C. Turner, Completed.
- Sample Letter on Violating Lake Rules regarding Boats – Discussed the steps/process to take when notifying waterfront homeowners to remove derelict boats/watercraft from the lake.
- 2023 Goals and Objectives Review – Todd Jewell/All: Updated the 2023 Goals and Objectives as agreed upon at the March Board meeting by taking the goals and objectives and aligning them under ELRAs nine committees. It is now up to each committee to review their goals and objectives and revise, delete and/or add new goals as appropriate. Upon completion, send T. Jewell the updated Goals and Objectives to add to the master ELRA Committees, Goals, and Objectives document.4-2Task: Review/Add 2023 Executive Committee Objectives and Goals – D. Young, Lead
4-3 Task: Review/Add 2023 Operations Committee Objectives and Goals – M. Compton, Lead
4-4 Task: Review/Add 2023 Membership Committee Objectives and Goals – D. Medeiros, Lead
4-5 Task: Review/Add 2023 Community Relations/Communications Committee Objectives and Goals – M. Novack, Lead
4-6 Task: Review/Add 2023 Dredging Committee Objectives and Goals – G. Colbert, Lead
4-7 Task: Review/Add 2023 Lake Environment Health Committee Objectives and Goals – L. Jenks, Lead
Dredging Committee – Greg Colbert: Recapped/Discussed possible locations to put dredge material:
- Waimanalo Farms – Unless a farmer is found to take a lot of the material, it is probably not a viable option to try and spread the material to a lot of different farmers due to logistics and numerous grading permits.
- Left a message with Robin for Ron Hass, General Manager of Mid Pacific Country Club, to try and set up a meeting to discuss the possibility of accepting dredge material from the lake. B. Bourke added that in about 1959 they took dredging material from Ka‘elepulu stream that borders the golf course to fill in some lower swamp lands. One of the advantages of MidPac is that the dredging material could be brought down the canal by barge. G. Colbert will follow up with MidPac and will include B. Bourke in this meeting.
4-8 Task: Set up a meeting with MidPac and B. Bourke to discuss lake dredging material. – G. Colbert
Don suggested Olomana Golf Course in Waimanalo as a possible location for dredging material. Colbert said that he would contact them, and D. Young City said that he would contact Ester Kia’aina to see if there is any help in using the Olomana Golf Course area.
4-9 Task: Contact Olomana Golf Course to discuss interest in obtaining dredging material for the golf course – G. Colbert
4-10 Task: Contact Ester Kia’aina to discuss Olomana Golf Course as a possible dredging material site – D. Young
B. Bourke mentioned the Saddlebrook road area in Waimanalo. It is prone to flooding each year and residents may be interested in raising their lots.
L. Jenks explored approaching A&B for assistance in distributing lake dredges in the area used to shave off the large hill near Castle intersection. B Bourke will draft a letter for A&B describing the project and forward it to G. Colbert.
As a follow up to the March Board meeting, UH’s Theodore Radovich results from the bioassay tests showed no problem materials were found.
4-11 Task: Contact T. Radovich and request a copy of the report – D. Young
Environmental Committee – Linda Jenks:
- Noted that the mayor acknowledged that the storm drain filters were not getting cleaned and it will be done by the end of the year. It has been three years since they were last cleaned.
4-12 Task: Follow up with the mayor regarding the schedule to have filters cleaned – L. Jenks - Water Quality Report – will talk to Derek Esibill and get a copy of the latest water quality report. This report is provided quarterly.
4-13 Task: Request Water Quality report from Derek Esibill for the Board – L. Jenks
Operations Committee – Mike Compton:
- Lake Clean-up/Mangrove Removal – Sunday, May 7th at 9:00am meet at Kukilakila boat ramp. A Scout organizing this event as a part of her Eagle Scout project. She is advertising this and working with Kukilakila, the city, canoe clubs and ELRA. There should be about 20-30 people. Requested Board members to help with barges and tools for this effort. G. Colbert said that we have two barges that are currently being repaired (see details in March board meeting minutes) and requests a third barge to be built. We have enough wood, just need to purchase additional Styrofoam (two 4’x8’x18” blocks required at about $600 each). G. Gustavson motioned $1500 for the construction of the third barge and purchase of Styrofoam blocks and M. Compton seconded the motion. The remaining members approved the change unanimously.
- Discussed offering a contract to Sean Connell for regular lake cleanup. All Board members agreed. D. Young will create a contract for weekly cleanup and removal.
4-14 Task: Create contract for Sean Connell for regular lake cleanup – D. Young, Completed.
Membership Committee – Danny Medeiros: Young reported for D. Medeiros, ELRA received a request from 658 Iana St via ELRA website to be allowed to use the lake. Referred to Membership Committee for recommendation.
New Virtual Conference Service Company – C. Turner pointed out that several Board members are having issues connecting with the free conference service company and requested that a paid conference service company should be used for the virtual meetings. There are many companies to choose from and the Board agreed to discuss/decide at the May in-person meeting.
4-15 Task: Research conference services and costs to report at the May Board meeting – C. Turner
AJOURNMENT: D. Young adjourned the meeting at 8:55 pm.
Board of Directors Meeting: 9 May 2023 at 7:00 pm – Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Kailua Neighborhood Board Meeting: 4 May 2023 at 7:00 pm – Linda Jenks
Note: See the Enchanted Lake Residents Association/Ka’elepulu Pond website’s home page for meeting schedule and link to the approved board meeting minutes (kaelepulupond.org).
- 2-1 Task: Contact local mountain and motor bike clubs to seek cooperation concerning trails. Consider writing letter to private owner making them aware of the impact of the trails on down slope homes and Lake – To be addressed in the future.
- 8-8 Task: Follow-up with Kamehameha Schools regarding their payment of Maintenance Fees – G. Colbert
- 1-5 Task: Contact Blue Ocean Barns to discuss possible harvesting of seaweed in the Lake – G. Colbert
- 2-1 Task: Draft letter to DFM describing ELRA Activity, sharing our data, and encouraging them to clean out the drains on a regular basis. – L Jenks, D. Young
- 2-2 Task: Replace “Private Lake” sign(s). – M. Compton/G. Colbert
- 4-2Task: Review/Add 2023 Executive Committee Objectives and Goals – D. Young, Lead
- 4-3 Task: Review/Add 2023 Operations Committee Objectives and Goals – M. Compton, Lead
- 4-4 Task: Review/Add 2023 Membership Committee Objectives and Goals – D. Medeiros, Lead
- 4-5 Task: Review/Add 2023 Community Relations/Communications Committee Objectives and Goals – M. Novack, Lead
- 4-6 Task: Review/Add 2023 Dredging Committee Objectives and Goals – G. Colbert, Lead
- 4-7 Task: Review/Add 2023 Lake Environment Health Committee Objectives and Goals – L. Jenks, Lead
- 4-8 Task: Set up a meeting with MidPac and B. Bourke to discuss lake dredging material. – G. Colbert, Lead
- 4-9 Task: Contact Olomana Golf Course to discuss interest in obtaining dredging material for the golf course – G. Colbert
- 4-10 Task: Contact Ester Kia’aina to discuss Olomana Golf Course as a possible dredging material site – D. Young
- 4-11 Task: Contact T. Radovich and request a copy of the report – D. Young
- 4-12 Task: Follow up with the mayor regarding the schedule to have filters cleaned – L. Jenks
- 4-13 Task: Request Water Quality report from Derek Esibill for the Board – L. Jenks
- 4-15 Task: Research conference services and costs to report at the May Board meeting – C. Turner