Enchanted Lake Residents Association Board of Directors Zoom Meeting Minutes, Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Conducted via Zoom: Present: D. Young, J. Bean, S. Harding, M. Novack, G. Colbert, M. Compton, J. Fernie, L. Jenks, D. Kroll, D. Medeiros, A. Richardson C. Turner, and M. Spencer (Administrative Assistant).
Absent: G. Gustavson, and R. Castanha
The meeting was called to order by D. Young at 7:05 pm. A quorum was declared.
Minutes: Minutes for the March Meeting had been circulated via email. M. Novack moved and S. Harding seconded the motion that the March 2021 Minutes be approved. They were approved unanimously.
Finance: Treasurer, G. Gustavson was unable to attend the meeting and sent the following message via email:
There have been no significant expenses in February or March 2021, and we continue to track with the budget for this FY. The Comparison of Actual versus Budget for the FY was attached to the email.
We paid $578 for the final repairs and restoration of the security boat. These repairs were completed at this cost only due to Mike Compton spending a significant amount of labor to complete the work. Many thanks to Mike for his efforts and support of the ELRA.
We paid $22,950 to Oceanit for dredging and engineering planning. This payment was from our Qualified Settlement Fund (QSF) and is outside the annual operating budget.
Correspondence: D. Young had shared his Communications Log prior to the Meeting.
Report from the Kailua Neighborhood Board (KNB): No one attended this meeting. The next meeting will be on 6 May. A. Richardson is scheduled to attend. Several board members attended the virtual meeting of the KNB Pollution of Kailua’s Waterways and Beaches Subcommittee Meeting.
Fish Habitat Partnership Full Proposal: C. Turner was pleased to announce that the grant request was reviewed by the Hawaii Fish Habitat Partnership Steering Committee in December and by a National Fish Habitat Partnership workgroup in February. In general, the project was reviewed favorably.
The allocation of funds to the Hawaii FHP for project support is a separate process, and it is not yet clear if all of the projects with favorable reviews will receive funds. Some projects may be offered partial funding to support a reduced scope of work. Please be prepared to receive partial funding. It is recommended that ELRA be prepared to receive funds, just in case.
4-1 TASK: D. Young requested assistance in ensuring each of the items above is addressed. ** A. Richardson and C. Turner COMPLETE.
- Young observed that this appears to be an annual grant program and that ELRA should be alert to other opportunities to apply for.
Esibill Water Sampling Proposal: No response has been received from Mr. Esibill on the latest negotiation. D. Young indicated that ExCom has reviewed the original proposals. Now he would send these to the entire board.
4-2 TASK: Water Sampling Proposals should be sent to the board. ** D. Young COMPLETE
Encroachment Agreements: Prior to the meeting M. Novack sent a paper with a proposed high-level Policy Statement on Encroachments. Following some discussion, the topic was tabled until the May Meeting.
Revised and Updated Lake Rules First Reading: Prior to the meeting a draft of the updated Lake Rules was emailed to board members. J. Bean highlighted the changes and additions. There was considerable discussion about who exactly these rules apply to: members, assessed members, paid-up members, paid-up (but not members), etc. Bean encouraged everyone to read through carefully and provide her their thoughts so that at the May Meeting, more discussion can take place and a vote to approve completed.
Berm Opening Permit Application: D. Young informed the board that the Berm Opening Permit Application process was well underway.
There was a consensus among board members that every effort should be made to support the successful completion of the permit. This should include a letter-writing campaign during the public comment period. Before that can take place, ELRA Board needs to understand the timeline, see the draft proposal, and establish the best address and addressee. This is very time-sensitive.
4-3 TASK: Phone calls should be made to identify the timeline, get a copy of the draft proposal, and establish the best address and addressee. ** S. Harding to call J. Moniuszko;
- Young to call E. Kia’aina.
NOTE: per 22 Apr 2021 B. Bourke’s email, the application has not been drafted yet. Task DEFERRED
4-4 TASK: Create a list of possible letter writers, including the ELRA President and individuals who have expressed concern. ** All
Committee Reports:
Dredging Committee: S. Harding indicated that J. Moniuszko, of Oceanit, has been on vacation, but that in the meantime, communications continued with the HYCF. The last permit that is required is the Noise Permit, related to truck and operational noise. Right now, it continues to appear that the target date to start actual dredging is mid to late summer 2021.
Additionally, on April 7, 2021, a virtual meeting (attended by D. Young, S. Harding, B. Bourke) was conducted with Eric Co, Castle Foundation to provide information about the ELRA dredging efforts and to determine Castle’s willingness to consider providing a grant to assist with the dredging costs. Co thanked ELRA for their efforts and welcomed the information. He indicated that due to COVID costs, this was not a good year, but he would help identify other possible funding partners and asked to be kept up to date on ELRA efforts.
Membership Committee:
The goal is to have all of the different letters, invoices, and forms drafted, approved, and printed in time to join the invoices in the mailing in June.
Operations Committee (Security): M. Compton stated that he has stopped a few boats, but that it has been a fairly quiet month. Prior to the meeting, M. Compton had provided examples of watercraft registration forms. He indicated that he hoped to have discrete forms for the powered and non-powered craft that would simplify the upcoming membership/billing cycle. The board expressed approval.
Environment Committee: D. Kroll provides the following report via email:
After a lot of mid to small-size tilapia died off from mid-March, the mid-lake area has gotten very murky. He can only see down about 3 inches depth into the water at my property. Throughout our five observation points are no longer seeing the dead tilapia.
The last reading of salinity was at six at his house. I believe I would like to see it in the low teens.
Mike, Darren and he have taken note that there seems to be significantly less activity of the fish in the lake.
Next Meeting Date: The next Board meeting will take place by Zoom on Tuesday, May 11th, 2021 at 7 pm. The next KNB meeting will be on May 6. A. Richardson is scheduled to attend this meeting.
Adjournment: A. Richardson moved adjournment, which was seconded by J. Fernie. The affirmative vote was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted
M. Novack
Tasks from previous months still needing to be completed.
1-2 TASK: Write a TY letter to KS (Todd Gray) for their willingness to work with us. ** D. Kroll.
1-3 TASK: Create a newsletter going to all ELRA households identifying what mangrove seeds and plants look like, and requesting they clean their waterfronts of the mangrove and floating coconuts. ** C. Turner