Board of Directors Monthly Meeting Minutes, Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Present: Greg Colbert, Dick Vonier, Jean Fernie, Shannon Oshiro, Al Richardson, Bob Molyneux, Doug Kroll, Bob Tassie, Cindy Turner (Webmaster), and Melody Spencer (Administrative Assistant).
Absent: Margaret Novack, Rod Castanha, Michele Compton, Jean Compton, Gus Gustavson, George Lingle, and Bob Bourke (Scientific Advisor).
A quorum was called and the meeting was called to order at 7:10pm.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the July 12th meeting were approved.
Finance Report: A. Richardson reported that we have $14,300 in our checking account and $1,414,000 in our savings account. About 160 of the 183 checks refunding the Special Assessment fees that funded the litigation have been cut. The expense for refunded Special Assessments totals approximately $92,350. This money is not to be confused with the recently received checks in connection with the Class Action Suit. Those checks were paid from the Class Action Settlement, not from ELRA funding. The ELRA accountant, Accounting Solutions is still installing and transitioning to the new billing system, and should be completed by the end of August. A. Richardson moved and B. Tassie seconded to approve $400 for the purchase of two new Quick Book software accounts. The motion was approved. The results of the report attained from Aloha State Tax service were discussed. Aloha State Tax provided a review and recommendation of our tax situation regarding the receipt of the settlement funds, and how it may be treated by the IRS. Basically, the ELRA must spend the bulk of the settlement funds on lake remediation within three years to reduce the potential tax liability.
DPP: A second special meeting of the Lakeside Lot Owners will be held on Wednesday, August 17, 2016 in the Enchanted Lake Elementary School cafeteria at 7pm. M. Spencer will send out post cards to all concerned letting them know of this event. In addition, block captains will be passing out brief notices to members’ homes. Kamehameha Schools (KS), formerly Bishop Estate, is preparing a draft Declaration of Protective Provisions (DPP). The present one expires December 31, 2016. Ratifying a new one requires a two thirds vote of all lakefront lots. This meeting is to present and explain the updated DPP and get signatures of approval.
Strategic Plans: R. Castanha is working with MidPac Country Club to secure a date in October, preferably the 14th or the 28th, for our Annual Meeting and election of board members. B. Molyneux will compile a list of candidates and design a ballot. For our August 17th informational meeting, J. Fernie will purchase cookies and S. Oshiro will purchase small water bottles and have them on ice. J. Fernie will contact Enchanted Lakes Grade School to rent the cafeteria for another informational meeting in September, preferably September 22nd.
Lake Maintenance/Health: The “Opening of the Berm” at the mouth of Kaelepulu Stream on Sunday, July 31st proved to be a notable success. Our website has many great pictures. About sixty volunteers –ELRA board members, canoe paddlers, Kailua Neighborhood Board members, and assorted lake dwellers showed up at 3pm to help. They dug a relatively shallow, narrow trench in the sand from the end of the stream to the ocean at the other end. The timing of the digging was crucial to success: once the trench was dug, the water in the stream was higher than the water in the ocean, and a rapid flow of water quickly widened and deepened the trench through the sand. In the past, the opening usually closed after two or three days. This time, because of the recent rainfall, which added to the depth of water accumulating in the lake and stream, created an opening which lasted 5 days. During that time, an inward flow of salt water helped to increase the salinity of the lake water which improved life for fish, oysters, and other ocean life as well as acting against fresh water plant life which can be a hazard for the lake. Because much of the success of the berm opening was due to careful timing of the digging with constantly changing ocean tides, B. Bourke and ELRA will coordinate with the Facilities Maintenance Division and provide long range date/times for advantageous berm openings.
Lake Security: S. Oshiro reported that the Lake Security Boat has been moved to the M. Compton’s house. It has several maintenance problems which may be resolved by replacing worn out or corroded parts. However, some parts of the hull appear to be very worn and may warrant professional inspection and repair.
Community Relations: Kailua Neighborhood Board’s August meeting was monitored by M. Compton. G. Colbert spoke about the July 31st opening of the berm by volunteers. His talk was very upbeat and factual. The Chair, Chuck Prentiss, commented that we have an agreement with the City to open the berm monthly, but for some reason that has stopped. The mangrove removal resolution passed unanimously. The contractor will start in 1-2 months to remove mangroves in Hamakua Marsh, Kaelepulu and Kawainui Streams.
The September 8th meeting will be monitored by D. Kroll.
Executive session: Executive session was called by the President.
Next Meeting Date: The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 13, 2016.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10pm.
Action List: 8/9/16 ELRA Board Meeting
16/3-5 C. Turner Order 8 new lake signs.
16/7-12 R. Castanha Secure a date for the annual meeting in October from MidPac.
16/8-9 J. Fernie Secure meeting date at En. Lake Elementary School Cafeteria in September.
16/8-9 S. Oshiro Bring cooler, ice, and small bottled water to August 17th meeting.
16/8-9 J. Fernie Provide cookies for August 17th meeting.