Enchanted Lake Residents Association, Board Meeting December 11, 2012
Present: Clem Clemmer, Cindy Turner, Bill Kinney, Bob Bourke, Bob Molyneux, Don Young, Gus Gustavson, Franklin Denis
Absent: Kelo Maosi, Kelly Adams, Darren Rogers, Steve Brennan, Rod Castanha
A quorum was declared and the meeting called to order at 7:00pm
Approval of Minutes The minutes from the November 13, 2012 meeting were reviewed and accepted as written. Minutes from the Special Meeting of November 28, 2012 were reviewed and modified. A revised copy will be sent to board members for comment and corrections. Cindy will post the minutes after checking with Linda Paul.
Financial The Profit & Loss report and the current balances were reviewed. We have 200 (2 additional received since reports printed) paid fees to date. Monies will be transferred from savings to checking. A retainer to Lyons, Brandt, Cook and Hiramatsu and a bill from Attorney Linda Paul need to be paid. The BoatUS insurance ($240) is also due.
Welcome New Board Member Bob Molyneux was asked to share his experiences from his previous term on the board in the early 90’s. He states that some of his time was spent comparing ELRA to the Hawaii Kai Marina association and gathering information to establish policies.
Election of Officers Nominations were opened for the office of president. Gus nominated Bob Bourke to fill this office. There were no other nominations or volunteers. The slate of officers was nominated as follows:
President-Bob Bourke
Vice-President-Cindy Turner
Treasurer-Gus Gustavson
Secretary-Kelly Adams
Watch Officer-Kelo Maosi
Bob B made a motion to accept this slate. With a second from Bob M, the motion passed.
Several individuals were mentioned as potential board members to fill Sue’s place. Gus will contact them.
Ongoing business
Special Meeting Report, Delta Claim The lawsuit has been filed, copies were circulated. Minutes from the meeting will be posted on completion.
Lake Health The Lake is looking better following the recent berm opening. There was a huge influx of sea water and salinity is high. The Lake level came up to 1.5 ft and is down to 1.4ft now. Bob B will send a letter to the City letting them know how helpful the berm opening was. There is no plan to open the berm in December. There was discussion of fish breeding patterns and optimal times to open the berm to allow fish larvae into the Lake. Cindy and Hugo de Vries took Linda Paul and algae expert Celia Smith out on the Lake in Franklin’s barge. There was discussion of restoring fisheries on the Lake. Bob will send a letter to City Councilman Ikaika Anderson explaining the importance of berm openings in January through April.
Siphon Project The siphon project is still being held up by the Army Corps of Engineers.
Development of Wetlands There continues to be some action on this property but they stop when they are observed.
Update on Amendments and By-laws Bob B suggested that the most up to date draft should be reviewed and then presented to an attorney for comments. Next month a subcommittee will be formed for this task.
Watch Officer Don reported an incident by his property where a net was placed across the Lake. Fish and Wildlife officers became involved and there was a verbal altercation. Bob B will send a letter thanking them for their assistance.
Facebook Cindy has added a photo
Newsletter Two e-newsletters went out prior to the Special Meeting. A new e-newsletter will give the results of the vote and inform residents that a lawsuit has been filed. Photos of the latest berm opening will also be included.
Dredging Project On hold
Oyster growing kits Franklin reports that the oysters have grown and are ready for release but the cages sank and he is in the process of finding them. There has been a lot of interest in this project.
Lake Clean-up The Lake has a lot of trash so some work needs to be done. Franklin volunteered to oversee some of the workers.
Kailua Neighborhood Board Bob B attended to December meeting. He spoke with several of the local politicians. We need to decide what we want to get out of the legislature. There are still plans for a barge tour on Franklin’s barge with mayor elect Kirk Caldwell, City Councilman Ikaika Anderson and aide Andrew Malahoff.
New Business
ELRA owns a barge that has been docked by Mike Compton’s property. The engine is not functioning. There has been interest in purchasing the barge from ELRA. It was decided to advertise the barge in the newsletter and accept the highest bid.
There was discussion about a possible grant to re-establish fisheries in the Lake.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:56pm
Next Meeting
Monday, January 14, 2013
7pm Kukilakila Pavilion