The Enchanted Lake Residents Association (ELRA)
The Enchanted Lake Residents Association (ELRA) is a non-profit organization that holds title to and manages a 79.471 acre portion of Kaelepulu Pond, also known as Enchanted Lake. Kaelepulu Wetland, located at the mauka end of the lake is privately owned. Click for a larger map of the lake boundary.
140 single-family residences are made members of ELRA through a provision in the “Declaration of Protective Provisions” which is a part of each property’s deed. Kukilakila townhouse residents and residents not on the lake, but with canal access can join as associate members.
There is an annual maintenance fee that is used to pay for lake cleanups, insurance and administrative costs, among other things. Funds are being set aside to finance major projects that may come up such as dredging portions of the lake.
The board of the ELRA has taken a pro-active role in the management of the pond, with the ultimate goal of restoring Kaelepulu to support diverse fisheries resources and recreational activities in clean water.