Following are a selection of photos from cleanups around the lake that ELRA facilitated in 2025. Not every cleanup during the year is detailed. Click on an image to see a larger version of it.
Lake cleanup by ELRA contractor on January 10, 2025
A standard cleanup session was done at five locations around the lake. There was not a lot of trash to pick up after the period of Kona winds and light rainfall.
Lake cleanup by ELRA contractor on January 27, 2025
This major cleanup was done after a heavy rainstorm (5″) brought significant debris into the lake from the city storm-drain system.
Lake cleanup by ELRA contractor and volunteers Jan 31 – Feb 4, 2025
Another heavy 6″ rain storm on January 30 brought even more debris and muddy water from city storm-drains into the lake. We had a total of 13.29″ of rain in January. Sean Connell, our contractor, removed about 80 coconuts, 75 bags of green waste, and two bags of man-made trash over three days. ELRA members also helped with cleanups of their lakefronts. Hugo de Vries removed two truckloads of branches and shrubs that washed down the Keolu Hardened Channel into the wetland, and board member Mike Compton pulled an entire coconut tree out of the lake!
Lake cleanup by ELRA contractor on February 7, 2025
Another cleanup of the January storm debris. The last four photos show the area after coconuts, greenwaste and trash removed.
Kimo’s Cove cleanup by ELRA contractor on February 23, 2025
Winds typically blow debris from around the lake into Kimo’s Cove. This cleanup collected predominately greenwaste with minimal plastic trash. The last photo shows a clean cove after the cleanup. Troubling is the number of mangrove seedlings collected (second to last photo). Residents need to check their lakefront and remove any mangroves or seedlings growing there.