Board Meeting February 15, 2011
Present: Bob Bourke, Cindy Turner, Franklin Denis, Bob Sanders, Cal Clemmer, Steve Brennan, Sue Alden, Ron Rickman
Absent: Frank Schumann, Kelo Maosi, Karla Maosi, Mike Compton, Rod Castanha, Glenn Magyar
With a proxy from Mike Compton, a quorum was declared and the meeting called to order at 7:11 pm
Approval of Minutes: The amended minutes from the January 24, 2011 meeting were reviewed. There was an amendment to the amendments and by-laws wording. With this amendment, there was a motion (Ron) and a second (Sue) to accept the minutes. The motion passed.
Financial Report: Margie reports that we currently have $46,000 in the checking account. Margie shared current data with Debra Martin to take to the Kukilakila meeting tonight. Currently we have payment from 84% of single family residents and 51% of Kukilakila residents. At the close of the fiscal year last year we had 92%/50%. Bob S wanted to make sure those figures were included at the Kukilakila meeting. Bob B called Debra and let her know. Margie has a third notice that will go out by next week.
Points to be promoted: Board members shared their ideas on what we want the public to know:
1) Enchanted Lake is a fragile ecosystem that benefits many species of birds, fish, crabs and oysters in addition to humans.
2) The board is committed to all Kailua waterways, which include the Hamakua Marsh and the canal as evidenced by the current NOAA project.
3) The Lake could once again become a hatchery for papio and milkfish.
4) The water is currently healthy.
5) The necessity for educating the public regarding berm openings (why and what to expect).
6) The connection between what goes into the drains and what ends up in the Lake.
7) ELRA is working to make the Lake and wetlands better.
8) Send a consistent message that we are environmental stewards for the Lake.
9) There are community canoe clubs regularly utilizing the Lake.
10) Work with the City and State to manage storm drain runoff and debris.
11) Better communication with Kukilakila board.
Dredging Project/Federal Funds No new report.
City Permit/Berm Opening/Lake Health The berm was opened by tractor and firemen last week during a rain event.
NOAA/Mangrove Proposal update The proposal has been approved. There will be two separate contracts. The Kailua Canoe Club is excited and ready to start. Bob B estimates between 50-100 people will be involved.
Amendments and Bylaws Re-do Sue Alden has no report at present.
Security Officer Report Bob B reported removing one net from the Lake.
Lake Clean Up Report The crew worked on the area near Cal’s place. Bob B shared pictures of a property with sand dumped by the water, docks in disrepair and trees overhanging the Lake needing trimming. Margie will ask Glenn to send a letter to the owner and Bob B will include the photos.
Community Board attendance Mike did attend the meeting but was not present for a report. Bob B and Cal will attend in March to share a video that Cindy took of the violations from the Koapa subdivision. It was decided to specify 2-3 bullet points at each meeting to present at the KNB meeting. Cal will try to contact the KNB Enchanted Lake representative to offer a Lake tour.
Newsletter Cindy has articles on the Koapa Development, profiles on Steve and Sue, report on the holiday flotilla and mention of another on July 4th, report on the annual meeting, tips for a cleaner Lake and the mangrove removal project.
Old Business A new meter should be on the way. The boundary signs are not up yet. No new foreclosures. Bob S will talk to Mike regarding Earth Day clean-up.
There was much discussion about the Kukilkila proposal. Franklin had shared some emails that contained some misinformation from the residents. He and Debra are holding two informational meetings this week. Bob S feels we need to depersonalize the situation and look at it from a business standpoint. Bob B will go next week to give a history of the Lake. Bob S did stress that this will never be a public waterway. Franklin will ask if it is possible for ELRA to be able to provide information in the Kukilakila newsletter. He and Debra will be collecting ballots. There was discussion about last year’s proposal which does not seem to have been shared with the Kukilakila residents.
Cindy has a video on youtube which shows the Koapa subdivision run off during the last rain storm. The letter regarding previous BMP violations has been sent to the DOH and we are awaiting a response.
New Business Future meeting dates 3/8/11 4/5/11 5/10/11
Ron Rickman has tendered his resignation from the board due to federal ethics conflicts.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:58pm
Points for KNB meeting: Bob B, Cal
- Removal of illegal net
- Koapa subdivision video and complaint to DOH
- NOAA proposal and canoe club involvement
Points for KCA board meeting Steve
- Koapa subdivision video and complaint to DOH
- Lake property with violations (docks, sand, trees)
- Clean up of Kukilakila island and mangrove removal
Cal – invite KNB representative for Lake tour. Attend 3/3 KNB meeting
Franklin-check on KCA newsletter
Bob B-2/22 Kukilkila meeting 3/3 KNB meeting
Glenn-letter of violations to Lake resident
Margie-3rd notice, work on email list