Enchanted Lake Residents Association, Board Meeting, Tuesday January 12, 2016
Present: Greg Colbert, Margaret Novack, Michele Compton, Bob Molyneux, Shannon Oshiro, Jean Fernie, Gus Gustavson, Dick Vonier, Al Richardson, Bob Bourke (Scientific Advisor), Melody Spencer (Administrative Assistant)
Absent: George Lingle, Bob Tassie, Doug Kroll, Jean Compton, Rod Castanha, Cindy Turner (Webmaster)
A quorum was declared and the meeting was called to order by Greg Colbert at 7:05pm.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes for the December 8, 2015 meeting were reviewed, and approved.
Ongoing Business:
Finance Report: As Doug was unable to be present, a printout of the current financial status was handed out to all board members. Melody has sent out all letters for overdue assessments. Greg would like all the names of residents who have not paid, so block captains can contact those in arrears. We have approximately $18,000 in the bank. There is an outstanding bill from attorney Beverly Hiramatsu for $6,432. Greg will check on this, as her quote was $5,000.
Committee Reports:
Community Relations –
- Christmas Flotilla- Due to bad weather, the event was postponed from December 20th to the 22st. A total of 4 barges participated including one from Kukilakila. Due to the rain and wind, the evening was cut short after a parade through Kimo’s Cove and then up to the area near the start of the canal. But it was reported that a good time was had by all participants.
- Kailua Neighborhood Board- All board members should take a turn attending the monthly meeting, held on the 1st Thursday of the month at Kailua District Park. The schedule was finalized and printed. Directors may switch with others if unable to attend, due to unforeseen circumstances. Jean F. will monitor the February meeting.
Finance Audit- Alan said we are still looking for a system with a larger data base than our present one. Greg asked Gus to assist Alan conducting the annual audit of ELRA’s financial status. It was also noted that we will need a separate interest bearing escrow account for monies ELRA is holding separate per the settlement.
- Lake maintenance- Shannon reported that no cleanups had taken place over the holidays. Several large barrels have been found floating. An unclaimed yellow kayak is tied up at Kelo’s pier. Bob B. will talk to Kelo about transferring the patrol boat to Shannon’s house. It was suggested we advertise the “found” kayak.
- Lake Health- Bob B. reported that the lake is high and the canal is not scheduled to be opened until Feb. 5th. Bob recently sent a letter to Laura Thielen about BMP’s not being strict enough concerning runoffs at construction sites. He stated that even if they comply with all present regulations, the runoff into our lake still causes serious problems. Therefore, the ELRA believes the rules need to be improved. Greg asked for a copy of the letter. Nothing new has transpired on the Kukilakila dredging project. A $200 bill (previously approved by the Board) from a water-testing firm (Aecos Inc.) was given to Melody for payment. This was for the water samples taken during the runoff from Olomana Heights. There was much discussion of water testing on a regular basis to confirm we are not “polluted.” This has been a topic for discussion at the Kailua Neighborhood Board. Some felt that a baseline should be established. It was suggested that perhaps we should test twice a year. Bob B. was asked to come up with a plan.
- Strategic Plans: Margaret reviewed the Strategic Planning calendar, noting that there was only the Audit that needed to be done in this period. She also reviewed the Action List, to determine the status of the various tasks.
DPP/Articles of Incorporation/By-Laws: Greg stated that a further review of the Kamehameha DPP indicates the most appropriate action for all parties concerned, may be to retain and extend the duration of the current DPP. Further work to effect the extension will be made by the President and others. It is expected that a hearing will be held in March or April. The required 30 day appeal procedure will consequently not occur until May or June. He re-emphasized that the DPP should be extended, and that Kamehameha Schools action was needed. In this regard, ELRA by-laws and the DPP must be consistent. DPP requirements of funding etc, must be incorporated in the by-laws.
Greg suggested that we need to visit Olomana Heights again. If necessary, he will write a letter requesting a meeting with Goodfellow, the developer.
Executive Session: Executive session was called by the President.
Next Meeting Date: The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday February 9, 2016.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:57pm.
Action List: 1/12/16 ELRA Board Meeting
- Look for copy of letter regarding maintenance of trees
- Prepare list of lake residents who have not paid fees.
Bob Bourke
- Call Kelo to discuss removal of boat, dock and maintenance supplies.
- Develop plan for bi-annual water testing.
- Provide the Board a copy of his letter to Senator Laura Thielen.
- Obtain estimate for lake sign purchase.