Enchanted Lake Residents Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Tuesday, 10 January 2023
PRESENT: Greg Colbert, Mike Compton, Gus Gustavson, Linda Jenks, Connie Jewell, Todd Jewell, Margaret Novack, Alan Richardson, Fran Tannen, Cindy Turner, Don Young, and Melody Spencer (Admin)
ABSENT: Duston Dawson and Danny Medeiros
CALL TO ORDER – Don Young: The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm. A quorum was declared.
APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER MINUTES – Connie Jewell: Draft minutes were emailed to the Board prior to the meeting. G. Gustavson moved to approve the December minutes and M. Novack seconded the motion. The remaining members approved the minutes report unanimously.
FINANCIAL REPORT – Gus Gustavson: Emailed the Profit and Loss Previous Year (Jul-Nov 21) Comparison versus Year to Date (Jul-Dec 22) report and a Statement report to the Board prior to the meeting.
There are no significant changes in the ELRA finances for the month of December 2022. Expenses are tracking well with no unusual expenses and within budget.
Gustavson, A. Richardson, and Adam Bookatz are in the process of preparing the annual Delinquency letters and invoices to send to the Assessed Members who are behind on their assessment papers.
Richardson sent T. Jewell the internal documents needed to conduct the audit today.
The Financial report was approved by acclimation, pending audit.
Correspondence Report – Don Young: No report.
Kailua Neighborhood Board Meeting Report – 5 Jan 23: Meeting canceled.
Holiday Boat Parade Report – Mike Compton: This year’s parade was a success with good weather and above-average participation. M. Compton thanked everyone for coming out and mentioned the possibility of starting earlier next year to have a potluck on the Lake beforehand. This started a brief discussion to have a July 4th potluck on the Lake – to be continued at a later date.
2023 ELRA Committees Review – Don Young: 2023 committee assignments were discussed/finalized:
- Audit Committee: Jewell – Chair, G. Colbert, and D. Medeiros
- Elections Committee: Jewell – Chair, L. Jenks, G. Gustavson, and C. Turner
- Annual Dinner and Program Committee: Tannen – Chair, M. Novack, and D. Young.
Note: The 2023 Annual Meeting will be held at Mid-Pac on Saturday, 21 October.
1-1 Task: Submit deposit and signed agreement to Mid-Pac to reserve date – G. Gustavson, completed. - Operations Committee (Safety and Clean Up): Compton – Chair, Darren Rogers, D. Medeiros, and F. Tannen
- Membership Committee: Medeiros – Chair, A. Richardson, M. Compton, and C. Turner
- Community Relations/Communications Committee: Novack – Chair and C. Jewell.
- Dredging Committee: Colbert – Chair, C. Turner, G. Gustavson, and D. Young
- Lake Environment Health Committee: Jenks – Chair, C. Turner, D. Medeiros, and M. Novack
2023 Kailua Neighborhood Board Sign Up List Review – Don Young: Gustavson volunteered to cover the September meeting. All meetings for 2023 have been assigned a Board member.
2023 Goals and Objectives Review – Don Young/All: Prior to the meeting, M. Novack emailed an ELRA Long Range Plan that was developed by a former board member in 2009. D. Young stated that it is like our current practice of developing yearly goals and objectives. This led to a discussion about possibly incorporating some of the processes from this plan in our development of future goals. As not everyone had a chance to read this document, it will be discussed further at a later meeting.
Goals and Objectives created at the December meeting were updated at this meeting and a new objective, “Inventory Docks and Vessels on the Lake” was added as an Objective to Goal 4: Improve Association Administration. 2023 Goals and Objectives is a work in progress and will be added to the February Agenda for further discussion.
Board Meetings: Alternate Months Virtual – Greg Colbert: Colbert proposed holding monthly meetings in person in even months and virtual meetings in odd months starting with February’s meeting. G. Gustavson moved and M. Novack seconded the motion to approve G. Colbert’s recommendation. The motion was unanimously approved by all members present.
Board Member Meeting Schedule:
Even Months –Virtual: Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct*, Dec
Odd Months – In Person: Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov, Jan
*Suggest holding October meeting in person. It is just before the Annual Meeting.
1-2 Task: Compare virtual platform costs and features and email Board in advance of February’s meeting – T. Jewell.
1-3 Task: Cancel February meeting at Church – C. Jewell.
Church Donation – Don Young: Last year a $200.00 donation was made to Emmanuel Episcopal Church as a thank you for use of their conference room. G. Colbert moved to approve the expenditure of $200.00 for this year and G. Gustavson seconded the motion. The remaining members approved the expenditure unanimously.
1-4 Task: Give donation to the church – G. Gustavson.
Dredging Committee – Greg Colbert: Colbert provided a general recap of open items from his December report (see December minutes). G. Colbert will now follow up and try to get answers/information for the February meeting from:
- American Marine regarding what is involved in creating an island and looking at the island in Hawaii Kai.
- Lisa Martin and Chris Lee possible farm sites in Waimanalo.
- UH extension service water test results.
- Ameron – Kapaa Quarry as a possible dredge disposal site.
On another subject, G. Colbert introduced to the members, Blue Ocean Barns. This company creates a seaweed-based supplement that helps cows reduce burping, therefore cutting down their methane emissions. It was suggested to contact Blue Ocean Barns to explore an agreement with them to harvest the seaweed in Enchanted Lake.
1-5 Task: Contact Blue Ocean Barns to discuss possible harvesting of seaweed in the Lake – G. Colbert
Environmental Committee – Linda Jenks: Derek Esibill, Program Director – Pacific American Foundation, reported that the salinity in the Lake had gone up significantly from when the berm opened up between December and January. It has dropped down once the berm closed.
Low water level in Lake – One of the drawbacks of the way that we are opening up the berms, and in this case an emergency due to potential flooding, is that the Lake is very low. When the Lake is very low for a long period of time, this impacts the birds building their nests at this low level and when the rain comes their nests get flooded.
Microplastics – There was also a lot of microplastics in the Lake with the previous berm opening as well.
Stormwater Drains – Bob Bourke is working on a Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) for all over the basin. This plan will be shared with the Board once complete.
Jenks requested assistance in checking and documenting which stormwater BMPs are in place and which ones never got built. G. Colbert volunteered to assist in this effort.
Operations Committee – Mike Compton:
Security – Operations normal. There is an increase in barge stickers, however still a lot of unstickered powered craft on the Lake.
Lake Clean-up – Should have an update on rescheduled clean-up by February meeting.
Berm Opening — The recent berm opening that was opened due to heavy rainfall. It lowered the Lake level; however, the opening was shallow and not deep enough to get an exchange of salt water into the Lake. This led to a discussion about the monthly berm opening and the importance that the DFM (Department of Facility Maintenance) know what specifications are needed to get the exchange of salt water that the Lake needs to be healthy.
1-6 Task: Email Bob Bourke regarding regular berm openings – D. Young, completed.
Membership Committee – Danny Medeiros: Absent, no report.
AJOURNMENT: D. Young adjourned the meeting at 9:00 pm.
- Board of Directors Meeting: 14 February 2023 at 7:00 pm – Virtual Meeting
- Kailua Neighborhood Board Meeting: 2 February 2023 at 7:00 pm – Margaret Novak
2-1 Task: Contact local mountain and motor bike clubs to seek cooperation concerning trails. Consider writing letter to private owner making them aware of the impact of the trails on down slope homes and Lake – To be addressed in the future.
8-3 Task: Oversee the possible reconditioning of existing ELRA Rafts/Barges – G. Colbert
8-8 Task: Follow-up with Kamehameha Schools regarding their payment of Maintenance Fees – G. Colbert
1-2 Task: Compare virtual platform costs and features and email Board in advance of February’s meeting – T. Jewell.
1-3 Task: Cancel February meeting at Church – C. Jewell.
1-4 Task: Give donation to the church – G. Gustavson
1-5 Task: Contact Blue Ocean Barns to discuss possible harvesting of seaweed in the Lake – G. Colbert