Enchanted Lake Residents Association, Board Meeting, July 25, 2013
Present: Darren Rogers, Rod Castanha, Bill Kinney, Franklin Denis, Gus Gustavson, Steve Brennan, Stephen Kofsky, Greg Colbert, Bob Molyneux, Mike Mickelwait, Alan Richardson, Don Young
Absent: Kelly Adams, Kelo Maosi
Non Board Members Present: Cindy Turner – Webmaster, Bob Bourke – Scientific Advisor
A quorum was declared and the meeting called to order at 7:08pm.
Approval of Minutes The minutes from the May 28, 2013 meeting were reviewed. There was a correction under Special Assessment with the removal of Kukilakila resident following Steve’s name. With this change, the minutes were approved.
Financial Report The Profit & Loss report and the current balances were reviewed. Bill reported on the current balances as well as amounts collected from the Special Assessment. Bill noted the amounts paid to attorneys versus the amount spent on Lake Maintenance.
Ongoing Business
Lake Health Bob reports that the recent berm opening led to a large amount of water exchange and remained open for 5 days. It was the most effective berm opening over the last six months. There has been an increase in salinity and some tilapia have died which may be causing the present odors. The Lake clean-up crew has gone out three weekends and cleaned up some of the algae. Bob is also working on replacing the boundary signs (actually repainting the existing signs). He is having trouble getting one out of the water. There was a recent large group of kayaks (illegal) on the Lake and Kelo responded.
Title Review Update Greg has discussed with Title Guaranty doing a title search on a selection of lots around the Lake covering different phases of development. The estimate on the cost is between $2000 and $2500. TG will provide a letter and research for content of membership, assessment and mandatory items. Reports will then need to be reviewed by an attorney. Greg made a motion to engage TG for this service. Steve B seconded the motion. There were 11 in favor and one abstaining vote. The motion carried.
New Business
Annual Meeting Under the current fiscal situation the Board decided that an annual meeting at MidPac is not in the budget this year. Other options were discussed. Rod will contact St. John Vianney to inquire about availability of their meeting hall. A Friday, possibly October 11th or 18th were suggested. Light refreshments may be offered.
There was an email inquiry about the Kaopa lots in the hillside asking about the current status.
Margie received a demand request from a Kukilakila property that has never paid maintenance fees. After much discussion it was decided that the majority of the board is in favor of continuing our present policy of providing information to Escrow Companies on delinquent fees.
Bill brought up the idea of sending welcome packets to new owners. This will be discussed more at the next meeting.
The board went into Executive Session for discussion.
Dates offered for the next meeting were August 13, 14, or 15.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.