Board Meeting June 7, 2011
Present: Bob Bourke, Bob Sanders, Cal Clemmer, Steve Brennan, Glenn Magyar, Sue Alden, Karla Maosi, Kelo Maosi, Franklin Denis, Darren Rogers
Absent: Frank Schumann, Rod Castanha, Cindy Turner
Guests: Ron Rickman, Nicole Stucki, and Kelly Adams
With proxies from Frank Schumann, Cindy Turner and Rod Castanha, a quorum was declared and the meeting called to order at 7:06 pm
Interim Election Kelly Adams was introduced as a new Kukilakila resident with a civil engineering background. Steve presented a motion to elect Kelly to fill Mike Compton’s seat on the board. Glenn seconded the motion and it passed. Darren Rogers was present as newly elected and introduced to newer members of the board.
Approval of Minutes The minutes from the May 11, 2011 meeting were reviewed and approved without amendments.
Financial Report Margie reports that we currently have $46,000 in the checking account. The annual mailing has been nearly all printed and will be mailed this week. The first payment was made to the attorney working on the Kaopa problem.
Dredging Project/Federal Funds Ron reports that he met with Farley Watanabe and reminded him that our permit should be next in line for approval. The permit for removal of 10,000-12,000 cubic yards to increase the depth to 5 feet will be good for 5 years. This should restore a normal water flow. We also have a current permit for dredging of the Kukilakila boat ramp.
Algae Bloom/Lake Health/Attorney Bob B reports the result of a test harvest in two areas, by Kukilakila and Kimo’s Cove. They were able to harvest 3 cubic yards per hour. There is an estimated 500 cubic yards of algae in the Lake which would fill 50 dump trucks. The algae may double every 4-10 days. The recent rain affected the water but not the algae. Use of our emergency funds for cleanup of the algae was discussed. Ron and Nicole took 20 bags to the dump (with many problems) and state that it smells really bad. The algae dries to a 10%weight. Efforts to be reimbursed through the attorney will continue and she is meeting with Delta on Thursday. Analysis of the soil and algae collected by the drain closest to the construction run off showed increased iron content. There was a motion from Franklin to commit up to $30,000 for work to clean-up the algae bloom. With a second from Steve the motion passed. It was suggested that we email residents asking them to clean –up what algae they can and let the association know how much they removed.
Past Due Forgiveness with 5-7 yr commitment Bob S has suggested that we offer forgiveness of past fees and penalties for residents in exchange for a commitment to keep current on fees for 5 or 7 years. He feels that now is a time when we must present a united front to the public as well as maintain revenues. Steve proposed that we form a committee to negotiate with Kukilakila to allow appropriate leeway in discussing terms of offering amnesty.
NOOA/Mangrove Project report Bob B reports that the initial mangrove is 75-80% removed. They are behind schedule. The initial removal should be complete by the end of summer. Bob has built six small floats to aid in removal.
Amendment and By-law Re-do The committee has not met yet. Special attention will be paid to the classifications of membership.
Security Officer Report There was a report of a dog at Kukilakila eating birds. There was also a lost kayak reported and a call about nets being used by Buzz’s.
Lake Clean Up Report There have been no clean-ups.
Annual Meeting It was decided that we would keep the same menu and price for the October 15th dinner.
July 4th Flotilla A notice regarding the flotilla will go out with the annual packet. Calls will be made to boat owners the week before.
Community Boards attendance Bob B attended the June meeting and gave a report on the algae bloom and mangrove removal. There were questions about the siphon project which is still tied up. Cindy is scheduled to attend in July.
Newsletter Cindy is away so no report.
Old Business The Lake meter is giving data and Bob B displayed a graft. The boundary signs still not up. Discussion of the Kaopa issue was done after the board went into executive session. The attorney will meet on Thursday and Bob B shared her work to date. The cost of removal of the sediment is estimated at $64,000 with another $80,000 to remove the algae.
Bob S reports that a new engine for the barge will cost more than estimated, $2,300-$2,600. One with an electric starter would run $3,200. Bob will check with Windward Boats about a possible discount. Steve made a motion to authorize $2,600 for a new barge engine. With a second from Kelly the motion passed.
Steve contacted Alika Neves at Kamehameha Schools about the chickens and they are “thinking about it”.
New Business Kelo reports that the security boat lift is rotting at the bottom. It was decided to have John Kelly assess the damage and estimate cost of replacement. Darren will research the possibility of replacing it with a plastic lift.
Bob S thanked Karla and Kelo for hosting the meeting tonight.
Future meeting dates 7/12/11, 8/2/11, 9/8/11, 10/11/11
Meeting Recap KCA/Kailua Board Points
- ELRA is dedicated to putting bygones behind us and moving forward
- We are working toward cleaning up the algae bloom
- ELRA has hired an attorney to open discussions with Delta Construction regarding the sediment runoff
- Plans for the 4th of July flotilla
- We are moving ahead with efforts to clean up the algae
- Continued discussions with Delta Construction
- Berm openings
The meeting was adjourned at 9:47pm
Next Meeting
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
7pm Cindy’s House