Enchanted Lake Residents Association, Board Meeting June 12, 2012
Present: Sue Alden,Bob Bourke, Clem Clemmer, Cindy Turner, Don Young, Franklin Denis, Kelly Adams, Rod Castanha
Absent: Bruce Jahnke, Kelo Maosi, Steve Brennan,Glenn Magyar, Gus Gustavson, Darren Rogers
A quorum was declared and the meeting called to order at 7:04pm
Approval of Minutes The minutes were reviewed and approved as written.
Delta Claim:Update There was a meeting with the attorney 6/12/12.
Financial The Profit & Loss report and the current balances were reviewed. There has been a good response to the annual mailing with approximately 75 fees paid to date. We also received a check from Pyramid Insurance for our prorated reimbursement from last fall. The cell phone minutes have been renewed ($104.70) for the year. Cindy shared information on the Kaopa property sales. She will draft a letter to new owners informing them of requirements prior to preparing lots for building.
Ongoing Business
Lake Health/siphon project/City Permit/Berm Opening Bob reports that the Lake is not healthy. There is a strange algae bloom that is turning the water grey. A total of 32 barracudas have been found dead and some smaller ones are also dying. Bob believes they are swimming into shallow water and dying of anoxia. There was discussion about an assessment vs raising the maintenance fees to cover the cost of the increasing needs of keeping the Lake clear of algae and healthy.
The siphon project is dragging but a meeting will be held 6/13. The goal is to start 7/1/12.
The berm should be opened next week on 6/19 or 6/20. The Lake is at a one foot elevation.
A Hawaiian Stilt was rescued from being trapped in seaweed over by Kukilakila.
Franklin has discussed dredging between the shore and the Kukilakila island. After a price estimate is received the board will discuss sharing the cost with Kukilakila.
Development of wetland property adjacent to Kaelepulu Stream Nothing new.
Amendments and By-laws Re-do Sue has sent the amended by-laws out to directors for review and they will be put up on the website. They should be ready for the annual meeting.
Watch Officer’s report None available.
Facebook/Community outreach Kelly was unable to attend the June KNB meeting but will go in July (7/5). Clean-up pictures and the duck rescue will go on facebook.
Newsletter A printed newsletter was sent with the annual mailing and an e-newsletter was posted. 90 out of 150 people viewed the e-newsletter. The goal will be to have a monthly e-newsletter.The next issue will cover the berm opening and the stilt rescue.
The Lake meter cannot be fixed.
Oyster Kits Franklin shared photos of the oyster growing process from Kualoa. He was given some of the runts which he is growing in the Lake.
Lake Clean-Up Two kids worked with Bob last weekend on Kimo’s Cove. It was noted that there is less trash since there has been no rain to wash it into the Lake. Algae is everywhere. Bob has offered use of his barge with the scoop to residents who will get together and provide manpower. Bob noted that there are maintenance issues with some residences. He has photos and addresses. We will ask Glenn to send letters.
Proxy Concerns It was noted that proxies should not be used to determine a quorum for meetings but may be used for voting.
Annual Meeting We have a reservation at MidPac for 10/27/12. Rod will get the menu and pricing for the next meeting. Guest speakers were discussed. Bob would like to invite Gary Gill for DOH.
The Next Meeting will be July 10th, 2012 at Cindy’s House 7pm
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm