Enchanted Lake Residents Association, Board Meeting, March 10, 2015
Present: Greg Colbert, Bob Molyneux, Margaret Novack, Rod Castanha, Stephen Kofsky, Alan Richardson, Shannon Oshiro, Doug Kroll, Michele Compton, Kelly Adams
Bob Bourke (Scientific advisor), Cindy Turner (Webmaster), Melody Spencer (Administrative Assistant)
Absent: George Lingle, Linda Jenks, Kelo Maosi
Guests: Alan and Kate Chang, Kukilakila
A quorum was declared and the meeting called to order at 7:05 pm.
Approval of Minutes The minutes for the February 17, 2015 meeting were reviewed and approved.
New Business:
Kukilakila Guests Alan and Kate Chang requested the board consider their proposal for building a dock for their barge. Following discussion, Greg Colbert requested that Bob Bourke work with Mr. and Mrs. Chang with regard to the design of their dock and their barge. Bob was delegated authority to give approval for the Chang’s proposal for the dock, upon review of their plans.
Mr. and Mrs. Chang were informed that a dock license will be emailed for them to complete.
The board agreed to diverge from the published agenda.
Executive Session:
The board went into Executive Session to discuss the update/status of ongoing litigation. In addition to the board, Bob Bourke and Cindy Turner were also included in the discussion.
Ongoing Business:
Financial report: Doug Kroll, the new Treasurer, reported that the association had a balance of $15,964.01 in checking and $12, 092.31 in savings, held at the American Savings Bank.
Melody Spencer indicated that she had, this week, mailed the delinquency letters to owners of the single-resident lakeside lots who were in arrears. None were mailed to Kukilakila.
Following a discussion of the association’s current finances, it was agreed that it was, again, necessary to levy a special assessment, to enable the association to continue its Delta Corporation litigation efforts.
A motion was made by Alan Richardson, seconded and approved by the board to levy a special assessment in the amount of $250.00 on the owners of the single-resident lakeside lots. These monies will be used for the Delta litigation.
The finance committee, previously headed by Jennifer Creedon, is working to redesign the membership and financial spreadsheet to give them better utility. Greg also requested that the Treasurer and his committee work to provide spending projections to allow for better future planning.
Doug oversaw the completion of new signature cards for the bank.
Kukilakila Joint Resolution Session: Greg Colbert reviewed the challenges involved in determining a variety of legal and financial issues related to how ELRA and Kukilakila can cooperate in maintaining the lake. He has been in discussions with Kamehameha Schools about cooperative actions related to the possible extensions of the Declaration of Protective Provisions (DPP). Greg indicated that he plans to meet with members of the Kukilakila Community Association (KCA). He invited any interested members of the ELRA board to attend.
Block Captain Update: Greg Colbert gave a very brief review of the previously agreed-to Block Captain effort. Packets were handed out to those who had not previously received them. Members were encouraged to make their first visits to their neighbors as soon as possible.
Lake Health: Bob Bourke indicate that the lake is relatively healthy.
Discussion of other ongoing business to be discussed at next meeting due to time constraints.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:39 pm.