Enchanted Lake Residents Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Tuesday, 14 March 2023
PRESENT: Greg Colbert, Mike Compton, Connie Jewell, Todd Jewell, Margaret Novack, Cindy Turner, and Don Young
ABSENT: Duston Dawson, Gus Gustavson, Linda Jenks, Danny Medeiros, Alan Richardson, and Fran Tannen
CALL TO ORDER – Don Young: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm. A quorum was declared.
APPROVAL OF THE FEBRUARY MINUTES – Connie Jewell: Draft minutes were emailed to the Board by M. Novack prior to the meeting. G. Colbert moved to approve the February minutes and T. Jewell seconded the motion. The remaining members approved the minutes report unanimously.
FINANCIAL REPORT – Gus Gustavson: The Profit and Loss – Budget vs. Actual (Jul 22 – Feb 23), Profit and Loss – Previous Year Comparison through YTD (Jul 22 – Feb 23), and Statement report were emailed to the Board along with the following summary prior to the meeting:
- There are no significant changes in the ELRA finances for the month of February 2023.
- The American Savings Bank January end of month balances are $2,252 in Savings and $27,708 in Checking. Expenses are tracking well with our budget estimates.
- Changes from FY 2022 to FY 2023 are primarily changes in taxes and revenue due to increased interest rates. These are all expected changes and not significant issues.
The Financial report was approved by acclimation pending audit.
Correspondence Report – Don Young: No report.
Kailua Neighborhood Board Meeting Report – 2 Mar 23 – Danny Medeiros: The following report was emailed to the Board prior to the meeting:
- There are reports of frequent fights/bullying occurring at Kailua District Park.
- Community concerns about traffic caused by the construction near Kalapawai going into Lanikai and detours onto Kuukama Street.
- KMCBH gave a presentation on current water consumption and their plans for reducing it in the future. Board of Water Supply discussed concerns about increased water demands on the windward side, citing the high consumption by KMCBH and having to drill one additional well behind Windward Community College to meet community demands.
- The mayor’s office reported that they will clean the storm water drainage basket filters by the end of this year, and that the last time they did so was three years ago.
- Randall Hue voiced concerns about the rise in property taxes, presenting a spreadsheet dating back three years of all the property assessments in the Enchanted Lake area. He found that the assessed land value differed from property to property, despite having the same lot size. The mayor’s office is going to look into it.
- Governor’s office reports they will look into making more pickle ball courts.
- Government Representatives discussed the creation of facilities in each community that can care for their houseless individuals who are unable to go to shelters or the state hospital.
- Boy scouts gave a presentation on crosswalk safety.
2023 Goals and Objectives Review – Todd Jewell/All: Discussed updating the 2023 Goals and Objectives by first aligning the goals to the appropriate committee and secondly rewrite the objectives using actionable language that is time-based and has a measurable outcome.
By organizing the goals around committees, each committee can monitor the progress of their assigned objectives and report their status at monthly Board meetings. T. Jewell gathered everyone’s input and will make the initial changes to the groupings. He will then email a working document to each committee for their review and to add any specificity needed and/or to create additional goals for review/discussion at the April Board meeting.
2-2 Task: Update 2023 Goals and Objective groups. – T. Jewell
2-3 Task: After receiving updated 2023 Goals and Objectives working document, review/add objectives to your committee’s goals. – Committee Leads: D. Young (Executive), M. Compton (Operations), Operations, M. Novack (Community Relations), G. Colbert (Dredging), and L. Jenks (Lake Environment)
Dredging Committee – Greg Colbert:
- Tried to set up a meeting with Dawn Szewczyk, head of the Department of Facility Maintenance, and Councilmember to go over the following subjects but it was postponed due to Sugihara [?] and Randall Wakumoto, DFM Stormwater unavailability. It should be rescheduled later this week. Bob Bourke and Cindy Turner plan to attend this meeting as well.
- Berm openings – Discuss the storm water mitigation where they scrape the top of the Burma vs. digging channel for the water.
- Coby net’s/baskets [?] that are inside the storm drains.
- Tried to set up a meeting with Dawn Szewczyk, head of the Department of Facility Maintenance, and Councilmember to go over the following subjects but it was postponed due to Sugihara [?] and Randall Wakumoto, DFM Stormwater unavailability. It should be rescheduled later this week. Bob Bourke and Cindy Turner plan to attend this meeting as well.
- Recommendations to spend the 1.8 million that was allocated from the city (see Water Pollution Committee Report in December 2022 Minutes for details).
- UH extension service water test results did not include bioassay results (see Dredging Committee Report, February 2023 minutes). UH’s Theodore Radovich indicated that he would run the bioassay tests and G. Colbert is waiting upon those results.
- Further discussion was had regarding a farmer in Waimanalo that may be interested in the dredging material and how dredging material would be transported to the property (see Dredging Committee Report, December 2022 minutes).
- Oversee the possible reconditioning of existing ELRA Rafts/Barges (Task 8-3) Update – G. Colbert’s handyman is scheduled Thursday to fix the rafts/barges and replace the lumber for about $1,000.00. M. Novack moved to approve up to $1,500.00 to repair the rafts/barges and C. Turner seconded the motion. The remaining members approved the motion.
Environmental Committee – Linda Jenks: The following report was emailed to the Board prior to the meeting:
Huge cleanup effort took place March 11-12 on northeast portion of the lake. Pictures show the build up after the last Kona storm. There is a boat still there that is now cleaned up enough to hopefully have its owner recognize it and claim it. There were several trips to green waste and to the dump, and a significant amount of microplastics were removed.
The berm has been opened and has resulted in a lower level than usual at times, and the quality of the water appears improved.
Sean Connell was contracted for this cleanup project at $30.00 per hour and it was accomplished in 20 hours, including transportation to dump over three consecutive days. C. Turner moved to reimburse L. Jenks $600.00 for this cleanup project and M. Compton seconded the motion. The remaining members approved this motion.
Novack moved to appropriate $500.00 for another cleanup effort and C. Turner seconded the motion. The remaining members approved this motion.
Operations Committee – Mike Compton:
Private Lake Signage – D. Young stated that the “Private Lake” sign at the entrance to lake is no longer legible. M. Compton has extra signs and will replace it and any other missing signs.
2-4 Task: Replace “Private Lake” sign(s). – M. Compton/G. Colbert
Damaged Docks/Barges – Recent storm resulted in damage to a couple of ELRA member’s docks/barges. A letter will be sent with notification to repair structures or have them removed IAW ELRA bylaws.
2-5 Task: Send letter to ELRA members to repair/remove damaged docks/barges. – D. Young
Security – Contacted by Police and Lake member regarding a potential home break in. All was fine.
Lake Clean-up – Responded to a lake clean up request from an Eagle Scout project to be done on 29 March or later.
Mangrove Removal – Discussed the need to hire someone or obtain volunteers to remove mangrove trees from the lake. D. Young volunteered to contact each of the canoe clubs that use the lake to ask if they will help remove the mangroves.
2-6 Task: Write letters to canoe clubs about volunteering to remove mangrove trees – D. Young,
Membership Committee – Danny Medeiros: Absent, no report.
Audit Committee – Todd Jewell: Completed review and will reach out to G. Colbert and D. Medeiros for final review.
AJOURNMENT: D. Young adjourned the meeting at 8:45 pm.
- Board of Directors Meeting: 11 April 2023 at 7:00 pm – Virtual Meeting
- Kailua Neighborhood Board Meeting: 6 April 2023 at 7:00 pm – Connie Jewell
2-1 Task: Contact local mountain and motor bike clubs to seek cooperation concerning trails. Consider writing letter to private owner making them aware of the impact of the trails on down slope homes and Lake – To be addressed in the future.
8-8 Task: Follow-up with Kamehameha Schools regarding their payment of Maintenance Fees – G. Colbert
1-5 Task: Contact Blue Ocean Barns to discuss possible harvesting of seaweed in the Lake – G. Colbert
2-1 Task: Draft letter to DFM describing ELRA Activity, sharing our data, and encouraging them to clean out the drains on a regular basis. – L Jenks, D. Young
2-2 Task: Update 2023 Goals and Objective groups. – T. Jewell
2-3 Task: After receiving updated 2023 Goals and Objectives working document, review/add objectives to your committee’s goals. – Committee Leads: D. Young (Executive), M. Compton (Operations), Operations, M. Novack (Community Relations), G. Colbert (Dredging), and L. Jenks (Lake Environment)
2-4 Task: Replace “Private Lake” sign(s). – M. Compton/G. Colbert
2-5 Task: Send letter to ELRA members to repair/remove damaged docks/barges. – D. Young