ELRA Special Meeting for Membership, May 1, 2015
An ELRA Special Meeting to request member approval for a special assessment was held at Enchanted Lake Elementary School on May 1, 2015.
Upon entry into the meeting, Melody and Margaret ensured all members signed in. If they were current in their fee requirements, they received a voting ballot. ELRA collected approximately $2,150.00 in outstanding fees from those who were not current.
The meeting officially began at 7:10pm. Greg Colbert, the current ELRA BoD President presided and welcomed all ELRA members. Greg introduced all present board members including Margaret, Stephen, Rod, Michele, Doug, George, Bob M. and Alan. He also introduced Melody, Bob B, Cindy and Linda Paul (Attorney & Special Guest). Board member absences included: Kelly, Linda, and Shannon.
Greg stated the purpose of the meeting was to provide an update on the litigation and to vote on a Special Assessment for 2015 in the sum of $250.
Greg discussed the ongoing lawsuit with Delta Construction. Using a short slide presentation, Greg reviewed why and how it all began. He explained the sediment events and reviewed, in brief, the litigation activities up to the present day. Greg then handed the floor over to Linda. Linda explained more in-depth on where the litigation currently stands and answered member’s questions regarding the lawsuit.
Of note, Linda asked those who had allergic reactions or any other negative effects (such as midges, smell, inability to fish, boat, or use the lake in any way) to make a declaration and submit it to her.
Members asked questions intermittently throughout Greg’s presentation and Linda’s talk. Members had questions about the class action lawsuit and the ELRA lawsuit. Both Linda and Greg took the time to answer all the questions and explain the difference between the two lawsuits. Members were also curious about whether they would be reimbursed for their special assessment fees. Linda explained if ELRA won, ELRA would only be reimbursed for damages (not attorney fees). Greg said that if ELRA won and members received money from the class action lawsuit, there would be a special meeting of members to discuss options.
Melody and Margaret determined there was a quorum. A quorum would require 25% of the 106 families who are eligible to vote (27 families = quorum). Thirty families were in attendance. Members filled in their ballots and turned them in. The special assessment was approved with a vote of 29 (for) to 1 (against).
While members were filling in their ballots, Michele talked about the Block Captain Concept and stated that board members were visiting neighbors. Michele stressed that block captains are trying to share information about the lake, gather concerns, and build a friendly community within the association.
Michele also mentioned there were board openings.
After the vote, Bob B provided information on the health of the lake ecosystem. Members stayed as desired. The Special Meeting concluded approximately 8:20pm.