Last chance: Reserve your seat at the Annual Meeting next Saturday
The annual meeting will be on Saturday, October 27 at the Mid Pac Country Club, and we would like to have at least one representative from every lake residence in attendance.
There’s been a lot going on with the lake over the last year and we’ll be filling you in on events that have affected the health of Kaelepulu Pond. We have a very relevant guest speaker, Gary Gill, Deputy director of Environmental Health at the State DOH.
Dinner will be delicious and the company will be great. We hope you’ll join us for this important once-a-year event.
Please call Margie during office hours at: 263-3661, or send us an email with your reservation request. Since it’s so late, you can just pay at the door.
Photos needed for the
Annual Meeting Slideshow
Send us your shots of life on the lake… kids fishing, sunsets, sunrises, bar-b-ques by the lake, scooping algae, good stuff, bad stuff – we want it all! We would like to include your favorite shots in our annual slideshow. Please email your digital photos to
Membership Survey Results
Thanks go to the many members who sent in their responses to the survey that was included in the annual meeting invitation. We’ll be detailing the results at the annual meeting. In general, the membership concurred with the Board’s recommendations by a significant margin, 70/30. The most contentious issue is whether Associate members should be restricted to Kailua residents only, nobody agreed with restricting to surface water access to Enchanted Lake, and the majority prefer no restriction whatsoever.
Samoan Crabs
The Samoan crab, also called a mud crab, was first introduced into Kaneohe Bay in 1926 in order to start a fishery. Between 1926 and 1935, just 98 crabs from Samoa were released on Oahu, Hawaii, and Molokai. By 1940 they had become thoroughly established in Hawaii – along shores, streams and far up some of the larger rivers.
It is not documented when the first Samoan crabs were found in Kaelepulu Pond, but they have been well established here for many years… there are reports of extremely large crabs that have been caught in our lake.
Many of the larger crabs may have died during the algae blooms and anoxic conditions that the lake has suffered in the last couple of years. Please let us know if you have seen a change in the number and size of Samoan crabs around your waterfront.
The Enchanted Lake Residents Association (ELRA) is a non-profit organization that holds title to and manages a 79.471 acre portion of Kaelepulu Pond, also known as Enchanted Lake.
The board of the ELRA has taken a pro-active role in the management of the pond, with the ultimate goal of restoring Kaelepulu to support diverse fisheries resources and recreational activities in clean water.
The ELRA annual meeting will be held at the Midpac Country Club on October 27.
Delicious pupus and a buffet dinner will be served.
Gary Gill, Chair of the State Department of Health, will be our guest speaker.
Board members will update you on lake developments, maintenance fees, and there will be elections of new board members.
Four board seats are open this year. Three current board members will be running for reelection. If you are interested in running, please contact Sue Alden for more information.