Enchanted Lake Residents Association, Board of Directors Monthly Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Present: M. Novack, S. Harding, B. Molyneux, R. Castanha, S. Oshiro, D. Vonier, A. Richardson, G. Gustavson, J. Fernie, G. Lingle, B. Tassie, M. Spencer (Administrative Assistant), and C. Turner (Webmaster).
Absent: M. Compton and J. Compton.
A quorum was called and the meeting was called to order by M. Novack at 7pm.
Approval of Minutes: S. Harding moved to accept the September 11th minutes. It was seconded by B. Tassie.
- Colbert arrived at 7:09
Finance: G. Gustavson presented the Profit and Loss statement and the rest of the monthly financial statements. It was agreed that we wish to keep our expenditures within the amount of money we collect yearly in maintenance fees and all money from the suit should go to pay for the dredging. B. Tassie moved to approve the budget and it was seconded by M. Novack. The budget was approved.
Lake Maintenance: G. Colbert and S. Oshiro are in contact with several groups to find someone to do regular lake cleanups.
Strategic Plans: The Saturday October 14 annual meeting was discussed. R. Castanha reported we have 67 attending. If someone is not a paid up member, their meal will not be subsidized and will cost $39.95. There were no new volunteers to run for a seat on the board. The three members whose term is up, A. Richardson, G. Lingle, and S. Oshiro, volunteered to stay on for another three year term in the same positions. During the meeting, our president G. Colbert, will have a slide show and speak about the DPP, new By-Laws we are working on, and briefly on the upcoming dredging. That will then be covered in depth by S. Harding with his power point presentation. G. Gustavson will discuss our budget and will show summaries of our financial statements.
New Business: A bill has been paid to Aecos for water testing in the amount of $502.62. We need to know where our next years’ samples need to be taken from and what exactly we need to test for. This information will be helpful for backing up our testimonies at the monthly KNB meetings and in talks with the city regarding their lack of cleaning storm drains or policing new construction sites.
By-Laws: There was much discussion on the 8th draft of the new By-Laws completed by M. Novack. G. Colbert will take it to Bev Hiramatsu for legal review.
Dredging: S. Harding reported in depth on the meetings with the Army Corps of Engineers, Oceanit, and Kamehameha Schools.
Next Meeting Date: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 14th, 2017 at 7pm in the A & B meeting room.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:13pm.
Action List: 10/10/2017
17/9-2 S. Oshiro and G. Colbert Continue quest for permanent lake cleaners.
17/9-3 C. Turner Contact B. Bourke regarding criteria for water sampling.
17/10/1 ? Draft a letter to KS requesting permission to use land.