Board of Directors Monthly Meeting Minutes, September 12, 2016
Present: Greg Colbert, Margaret Novack, Michele Compton, Gus Gustavson, Jean Fernie, Dick Vonier, George Lingle, Bob Molyneux, Shannon Oshiro, Al Richardson, Rod Castanha, Jean Compton, Bob Bourke (Scientific Advisor), Cindy Turner (Webmaster), and Beverly Hiramatsu(Counsel).
Absent: Doug Kroll, Bob Tassie, and Melody Spencer (Administrative Assistant).
A quorum was called and the meeting was called to order at 7:06pm.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the August 9th, 2016 meeting were approved.
Finance Report: G. Gustavson reported that nearly all special assessment refund checks have gone out. Five have come back as undeliverable and will need research. A. Richardson reported our banking has been transferred to an on-line system with American Savings. This will allow us to electronically track our funds. The decision has been made not to invest at present as we will need access monies soon. Our lawyer, Beverly Hiramatsu, suggested splitting our funds to several banks. She also thought, with our amounts, that we could request a higher interest rate.
DPP: A third special meeting of the Lakeside Lot Owners will be held on Thursday, September 22nd, 2016, at the the Enchanted Lake Elementary School Cafeteria at 7pm. M. Spencer will send out post cards to all concerned letting them know of this event. The purpose of the meeting is to present, explain, and discuss the updated replacement for the expiring DPP. In addition, consent forms will be available for the attendees. Currently, only about ½ of the necessary 92 consent forms have been signed and submitted. Of particular concern are the “absentee” Lot Owners (owners not dwelling in their lakeside property), because of the difficulty in communicating with them.
Executive session: Executive session was called by the President.
Strategic Plans: Our Annual dinner meeting is scheduled for October 14th, 2016 at MidPac Country Club. R. Castanha has been working with them on times and a menu has been set. The cost is 48.95 per plate. B. Bourke suggested we subsidize the dinner cost heavily to get a good turnout. It was moved by J. Fernie that we charge the first member of each household $10 and the second $35, resulting in a subsidy of $52.90 per household. It was seconded by George Lingle. The motion passed. Ballots, proxy agreements and other plans for the October 14th election have been formulated. It was decided that a person is eligible to vote if he has paid the current or previous assessment.
Budget: The scope of the work for lake dredging was discussed. It was agreed that the first thing we need to do was to hire a consultant. This person makes all the plans and secures permits for the project. The board has approved $100,000 for this project consultant and an RFP will be written by B. Bourke. Additionally, some of the costs budgeted for 2017 are: $10,000 for lake cleanup, $11,000 for liability insurance, and $1000 for boat upkeep and repair. G. Lingle voted to approve the proposed budget as modified, and B. Molyneux seconded. The motion passed.
Lake Maintenance: S. Oshiro reported that after the recent heavy rains, he made a tour of our lake to clean up excess trash.
Lake Health: The successful opening of the berm on July 31st resulted in a very beneficial exchange of nutrients and salt water. B. Bourke informed the Board that the City and County authorities have adopted a plan to open the berm to Kaelepulu Stream every six weeks at a date and time of the most favorable tide level. He is helping to create that “work calendar” and will meet with Ross Sasamura to facilitate its’ implementation. He will be giving a presentation on lake health at our October 14th general meeting and a similar one at the Kailua Neighborhood Board in the near future. One problem area he reported is a possible slow down on the water quality studies, which he will attempt to clarify with a letter to the EPA and the City and County. These studies are now at least 98% complete.
Community Relations: M. Compton discussed need for the block captains to follow up with the homes on their lists regarding the meeting on September 22nd. We can also answer questions regarding the DPP and deliver consent forms to people who are unable to attend the meeting. She also reported that the patrol boat had been inspected and is in need of repairs. M. Novack moved and S. Oshiro seconded that $500 be approved for this job. The motion was passed. S. Oshiro will arrange for repairs. The September 1st meeting of the Kailua Neighborhood Board was attended by ?? (assigned to Doug but not sure who went..Bob B.? any report? ) . B. Molyneux has volunteered to attend the October 18th meeting of the Dept. of Planning and Permitting chaired by Donna Wong at the Boettcher Estate. This is where most of the items regarding Enchanted Lake are brought up.
The October 6th meeting of the Kailua Neighborhood Board meeting will be monitored by M. Novack.
Next Meeting Date: The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 11th at G. Colbert’s. His address is 956 Iopono Loop.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:16pm.
Action List: 9/12/16 ELRA Board Meeting
16/3-7. All Provide brief articles for C. Turner to use in the newsletter.
16/9-1. All Work on gathering signatures on DPP Consent Forms
16/9-2 All Assist R. Castanha with Annual Dinner –M. Spencer and Kathy Novack will man
the entry table.
16/9-3 A. Richardson and G. Gustavson Redistribute funds at American Savings Bank to bring
each account within FDIC Coverage.
19/9-4 B. Bourke Finish Consultant RFP Packages.