Enchanted Lake Residents Association, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Greg Colbert’s House, Tuesday, 12 December 2023
PRESENT: Greg Colbert, Mike Compton (call in), Linda Jenks, Gus Gustavson Connie Jewell, Todd Jewell, Margaret Novack, Alan Richardson, Fran Tannen, Cindy Turner, and Don Young
ABSENT: Danny Medeiros
GUESTS: Bob Bourke, Alexa Bilek, and Alex Cody
CALL TO ORDER – Don Young: The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm. A quorum was declared.
APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER MINUTES – Connie Jewell: Draft minutes were emailed to the Board prior to the meeting. G. Gustavson moved to approve the amended November minutes and A. Richardson seconded the motion. The amended minutes were approved.
FINANCIAL REPORT – Gus Gustavson: G. Gustavson emailed the comparison of expenses in November 2023 to 2022 and the Monthly Financial Report for the month ending November 2023 to the Board along with the following summary prior to the meeting. There are two significant expenses for the ELRA finances in the month of November 2023. Both were planned and budgeted expenses. The first expense was for the Annual Meeting in the amount of $3,288. The Second was for our new liability insurance coverage for $13,372. G. Gustavson thanked A. Richardson and A. Bookatz for their support of the ELRA finances.
- Election of Officers – Don Young: Election of officers was held, and the following were elected unanimously by all Board members present:
President – Don Young
Vice President – Greg Colbert
Treasurer – Gus Gustavson
Secretary – Margaret Novack - Kailua Neighborhood Board (KNB) Meeting Report – Fran Tannen:
- F. Tannen reported on the highlights of the December KNB meeting. See the approved monthly minutes on the Honolulu.gov website.
- D. Young passed out a sign-up sheet for attendance at the 2024 Kaiua Neighborhood Board meetings. Board members volunteered as follows:
Feb 1 – D. Young
Mar 7 – T. Jewell
Apr 4 – M. Novack
May 2 – L. Jenks
June 6 – G. Colbert
July 11 – A. Richardson
Aug 1 – F. Tannen
Sep 5 – C. Turner
Oct 3 – TBD
Nov 7 – C. Jewell
Dec 5 – G. Gustavson
- 2024 Goals and Objectives Review/Revisions – Todd Jewell/All: No report.
- Annual Donation to Emmanuel Episcopal Church – Connie Jewell: C. Jewell proposed donating $200 to the church for the use of their facilities in 2023. G. Colbert moved to donate $200 to the church and F. Tannen seconded the motion. All approved the motion.
- Dredging Committee – Greg Colbert/Bob Bourke:
- Meeting with Army Corps of Engineers: G. Colbert, B. Bourke, L. Jenks, C. Turner, and Berna Senelly (Oceanit) attended a meeting at the Army Corps of Engineers for a continued discussion about a possible location on the lake for dredge spoil materials, what it would look like, and what it would entail. The meeting went well. The Army Corps of Engineers reminded ELRA that the permit issued to dredge the lake almost five years ago is close to expiring and an extension must be filed ASAP. A. Richardson moved to extend the dredging permit and G. Gustavson seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. G. Colbert also stated that Olomano Golf Course is no longer interested in our dredge material.
- G. Colbert will followup re: Filing an extension for the dredging permit with the Army Corps of Engineers .
- Enchanted Lake History: G. Colbert summarized a detailed history of Enchanted Lake that he is working on that he will share with the Board once it is complete.
- Meeting with Army Corps of Engineers: G. Colbert, B. Bourke, L. Jenks, C. Turner, and Berna Senelly (Oceanit) attended a meeting at the Army Corps of Engineers for a continued discussion about a possible location on the lake for dredge spoil materials, what it would look like, and what it would entail. The meeting went well. The Army Corps of Engineers reminded ELRA that the permit issued to dredge the lake almost five years ago is close to expiring and an extension must be filed ASAP. A. Richardson moved to extend the dredging permit and G. Gustavson seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. G. Colbert also stated that Olomano Golf Course is no longer interested in our dredge material.
- Environmental Committee – Linda Jenks: L. Jenks reported:
- The lake had a berm opening on November 28th that lasted several days, with a good exchange of ocean waters coming into the canal. The opening was scheduled and completed by City & County DFM.L. Jenks called the offices of Tyler Sugihara and Thomas Takeuchi with Department of Facility Management, City & County and requested a meeting to discuss our goals in opening the berm and has not yet received a call back. Randall Wakamoto of C&C DFM made an abbreviated presentation at the Kailua Neighborhood Board meeting, where L. Jenks and B. Bourke inquired about maintenance of the storm drains, and the TMDL study results that are overdue. C&C is apparently intending to put in “green infrastructure” that would involve an underground treatment center. It is early in the development of this project, and he will return in the new year to give a more detailed update.
- Operations Committee – Mike Compton: M. Compton reported:
- The boat movements on the lake were normal. Only one non-stickered fishing kayak was detected and asked to leave.
- The recent rains did threaten the sinking of several boats, but the rain stopped, and the boats were bailed out. No lost boats or damage was reported.
- The recent canal opening raised the lake salinity from 7ppm to 15 ppm. The ocean is about 35ppm, so we did get some ocean water back in. The water quality looks pretty clear and there is plenty of fish activity. One resident reported a sea turtle in the lake.
- The bright lights shining into the Kaelepulu Wetland from a home on Keolu Drive have been adjusted and have not caused as many complaints recently. They appear to have been directed down into the resident’s backyard.
- The Christmas Barge get together and parade will be this Saturday at 5:45pm. Meet in the middle of the lake. I will set my barge at anchor to tie up to.
- Floating Garden: B. Bourke reviewed the proposal from November’s meeting to install a temporary 30 square foot floating garden on the lake to conduct an experiment of native species plants. B. Bourke has been in discussions with Marianne Phillips who has set up a three-foot mockup of her float out on the lake with aquatic plants. B. Bourke found this acceptable and requested a motion to permit M. Phillips to build the temporary 30’x30’ (900 square foot) floating garden on the lake. G. Colbert made a motion for Marianne Phillips to conduct an experiment with a 30 square foot floating garden and F. Tannen seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Membership Committee – Danny Medeiros: No report.
AJOURNMENT: D. Young adjourned the meeting at 9:50 pm.
- Board of Directors Meeting: 9 January 2023 at 7:00 pm – Virtual Meeting
- Kailua Neighborhood Board Meeting: 1 February 2023 at 7:00 pm – Don Young
Note: See the Enchanted Lake Residents Association/Ka’elepulu Pond website’s home page for meeting schedule and link to the approved board meeting minutes (kaelepulupond.org).