Enchanted Lake Residents Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Virtual Meeting, Tuesday, 13 June 2023
PRESENT: Greg Colbert, Mike Compton, Linda Jenks, Connie Jewell, Todd Jewell, Margaret Novack, Fran Tannen, Cindy Turner, and Don Young
ABSENT: Dustin Dawson, Gus Gustavson, Danny Medeiros, and Alan Richardson
GUEST: Bob Bourke
CALL TO ORDER – Don Young: The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm. A quorum was declared.
APPROVAL OF THE MAY MINUTES – Connie Jewell: Draft minutes were emailed to the Board prior to the meeting. L. Jenks moved to approve the May minutes and G. Colbert seconded the motion. The minutes were approved with one abstention from a member not at the May meeting.
FINANCIAL REPORT – Gus Gustavson/Alan Richardson: The Monthly Financial Report for May 2023 was emailed to the Board along with the following summary prior to the meeting:
There are no significant changes in the ELRA finances for the month of May 2023.
The American Savings Bank April end of month balance is $2,252 in savings and $25,426 in checking.
Expenses are tracking well with our budget estimates. G. Gustavson is not providing the FY23 year to date budget to actual spreadsheet as A. Richardson travelling and he is supporting a client with long hours this week.
The FY2023-2024 Annual Assessment invoices have been mailed, and board members should have received their invoices. Thanks to Melody, Alan Richardson, and Adam Bookatz for getting the invoices out on time.
We have received and are processing the invoice for the security boat and Eco-harvester insurance. Additionally, our general liability and excess liability insurance policies will renew in July and August.
The Financial report was approved by acclimation pending audit.
Correspondence Report – Don Young:
Return receipt received from the certified letter sent to John Creedon. D. Young spoke to John and he removed a couple of the items that were in the certified letter but larger vessels still remain. He was given Sean’s contact information in case he needed help.
Discussed inviting Esther Kia’aina to the October 2023 Annual Meeting and possible items for her to discuss.
Kailua Neighborhood Board Meeting Report – 4 June 23 – Don Young: See Appendix A for report.
Annual Report – Don Young: D. Young reminded everyone that the Committee reports are due 25 September. D. Young will be traveling July 6 – 25 but needs to start working on the annual report when he returns.
2023 Goals and Objectives Review – Todd Jewell/All: T. Jewell has not received any new information from Committee members other than L. Jenks report from last meeting. T. Jewell will put together a few bullet points from this report and send them to L. Jenks.
Dredging Committee – Greg Colbert:
Army Corps of Engineers 401 Permit which would allow building of island – Jordan Moniuszko was requested by G. Colbert to develop an estimate for guiding ELRA through a 401 Permit. He is currently out of the office until 20 June but has turned over the request to Bernadette Senelly who is the Permits consultant within Oceanit. She is preparing an estimate. We hope to have initial thoughts by next week.
Dredge Material Deposit Locations –
- Ron Haas of MidPac got back with G. Compton on their willingness to accept dredge materials and has confirmed that they will not be able to accept materials.
- Alex Cuervas of Olomana Golf Club has been somewhat receptive to the idea of depositing dredge spoils on the Olomana property. He has in turn, transferred liaison to Al Joseph who is the grounds superintendent. Al is in discussions with his boss Ken Kim and will get back with us regarding any further discussion.
We have not yet contacted Sean O’Keefe of Alexander Baldwin. He may know of property locations that A&B has that could accept the lake dredge materials. G. Colbert attempted through the Kailua office of A&B but they were not aware of Sean, so I left a message at corporate. G. Colbert only did so last Friday and has not yet gotten a reply.
American Marine – Jordan reports that there are a lot of management changes at American Marine and the primary persons we were working with in the past are no longer there. Some of the new management are hesitant to take additional time working on estimates unless we have further information regarding where we would put materials and what amount of dredging we would do.
Other related topics –
Barges are built and Sean Connally has started the process of coating them. Below is a picture of him putting on primer. It rained later in the day, and he was not able to start putting on the elastomeric topping coat.

Top: Sean paints the new work float.
Above: The cleared canal bank after city maintenance.
Environmental Committee – Linda Jenks: L. Jenks emailed the following summary to the Board prior to the meeting:
There were not any storms significant to open the berms.
B. Bourke and L. Jenks have been emailing Lisa Marten as she has been meeting with farmers in Waimanalo. We are waiting to hear back if she needs anything further from us.
Reminded Derek Esibill that we still need his report. B. Bourke volunteered to call him and request the report.
Operations Committee – Mike Compton: Mangrove Removal – Unable to wait for the Scout project for mangrove removal. Board members agreed to allocate 2 to 2.5 hours per week for Sean Connell and possibly someone else to remove them. G. Colbert will talk to Sean.
Membership Committee – Danny Medeiros: D. Young reported for D. Medeiros and stated that there has been no activity for the membership committee since our last meeting. Sent a letter to 658 Iana Street with an application for Associate Membership and a $100 annual fee which will include one sticker for a non-powered watercraft.
Vacation – Don Young: D. Young will be on Vacation July 6 – 25 and will not be at the July meeting. G. Colbert will chair the meeting in his absence.
4th of July Parade on the Lake – D. Young: We will be meeting in the middle of the lake at 6:00 pm for a party and fireworks. Remind C. Turner to send a Newsletter letting ELRA members know of this event.
AJOURNMENT: D. Young adjourned the meeting at 8:13 pm.
- Board of Directors Meeting: 11 July 2023 at 7:00 pm – Emmanuel Episcopal Church
- Kailua Neighborhood Board Meeting: 6 July 2023 at 7:00 pm – Alan Richardson
Note: See the Enchanted Lake Residents Association/Ka’elepulu Pond website’s home page for meeting schedule and link to the approved board meeting minutes (kaelepulupond.org).
APPENDIX A: Kailua Neighborhood Board Meeting Report – 4 June 23 – Don Young
- July 4 parade 10 am Kainalu Elementary
- KMAC new commander Col. Jeremy Devin
- UH-DARPA Geological survey. Re-fence project.
- MidPac Roadrunners Club race on the beach. July 16 and July 23 around Lanikai
- Olomana Club bicycle Road Race August 13 starting on Norfalk
Elect new Board member representing Enchanted Lake – Cheyenne Labue. Approved.
Board of Water Supply
- Contamination of Kailua Bay brown water advisory
- Ecoli treated before effluent released.
Mayor Representative
- Posting warning signs at Lanikai Beach bridge of polluted water.
- Only brown water advisory whether it is or is not allowed by permit.
- Note in this lengthy discussion there was no mention of Enchanted Lake.
Elected Officials Reports
- Esther Kia’aina
- Lots of discussion on council salary increases.
- Kia’aina supports council salaries increase.
- Building Height Limits. A developer is planning apartments at 40 ft height.
- Windward Passage is 60 ft (Kia’aina lives in Windward Passage) (KNB passed a resolution earlier limiting to 40 ft).
- All the other elected officials’ reports were long rehashing legislative accomplishments. None affect the Lake.
Boat Ramp – Scott Ezer reported on boat ramp replacement.
- Ramp to be replaced in kind with no changes to plans reported to KNB previously.
- The survey’s respondents overwhelmingly approved.
- Permitting process on going affecting construction start date.