New officers elected to the board. Berm opened. Lake boat needs maintenance. Meeting with Olomana Heights developer go over their efforts to minimize impact to lake.
2013 Annual Meeting Minutes, October
Addition of areas eligible for associate membership. Change of Bylaws to allow associate members to be approved by the board. Discussion of the results of the Title Review and the actions needed prior to the expiration of the current Protective Provisions in 2016. Update on Lake health and the actions and conditions related to the Delta construction project.
September 2013 Minutes
The berm was opened at an inopportune time and flushing was minimal. Planning for annual meeting in October.
August 2013 Minutes
Title Guarantee initial report but still a work in progress. Annual meeting planning and agenda. Water main break.
July 2013 Minutes
The recent berm opening led to a large amount of water exchange and remained open for 5 days. The Lake clean-up crew has gone out three weekends and cleaned up some of the algae. Annual meeting planning.
June 2012 Minutes
There were not enough board members present to make a quorum, so an official meeting was not held and minutes were not taken.
May 2013 Minutes
Due to recent rainfall, the Lake elevation is at 1.9 ft. With the Siphon Project the goal will be to keep the Lake at 2 feet every month. There was a Lake clean-up on April 7th and another smaller one recently. The response to the special assessment has been good. There have been some positive and negative feedback regarding this issue.
April 2013 Minutes
Bob Twogood presented a proposal to the Board which involved putting a string of kayaks in the Lake at the Kukilakila boat ramp. Following Mr. Twogood’s presentation, the board voted with against the plan. There was discussion about the November Special Meeting and the criteria now before the Board to request the special assessment. New slate of officers for consideration. A new committee to review documents on membership as well as review and propose changes to by-laws. Recent fish die-off (including large barracudas) was probably related to low Lake levels following an untimely opening of the berm.
March 2013 Minutes
Per research into bylaw requirements regarding directors required to be Active members and the definition of Active Members neither Mr. Bourke nor Ms. Turner meets these requirements. Also neither Mr. Bourke nor Ms. Turner is an Associate Member since the Board did not place their nominations before the Corporation general membership for approval as required by Article XI, Articles of Incorporation of the ELRA. Their resignation was accepted. Clem Clemmer also resigned from the board. A new board members Stephen Kofsky, Alan Richardson and Greg Colbert were voted onto the board for the vacant seats. The water quality has decreased due to lack of water exchange with the ocean. The recent rain did increase the Lake level from 1.25 ft to 1.75. Bob B had a meeting with Ross Sasamura (new head of Facilities Maintenance) to stress the importance of opening the berm on a schedule. Recent dredging by the Lanikai Bridge will not help flush the Lake.
February 2013 Minutes
The berm was opened a week earlier then the date Bob B had specified so the flushing was not effective and left the water level low. Motions regarding collection of fees, eligibility of certain board of directors and request for legal opinion.
December 2012 Board Meeting Minutes
New Board Member Bob Molyneux, Election of Officers, Lawsuit against Delta Construction filed. The Lake is looking better following the recent berm opening in November. There was a huge influx of sea water and salinity is high. The Lake level came up to 1.5 ft and is down to 1.4ft now. Discussion of fish breeding patterns and optimal times to open the berm to allow fish larvae into the Lake.
November 2012 Special Meeting
Completion of the business portion of the annual meeting which was cut short due to the tsunami warning in October. Calvin Clemmer, Rodney Castanha, Cindy Turner, and Robert Molyneux were elected to the board.
Discussion and vote on proceeding with a lawsuit against Delta Construction and land owner Gale Berengue for damage done to the lake during four separate storm events during the winter of 2010 and 2011. Three motions were presented and all passed.
November 2012 Board Meeting Minutes
The berm was opened on 11/13/12. A high high tide is expected so the Lake should get a good flushing.Some concern about high salinity due to the lack of rainfall. The surface algae has decreased. The siphon project will not begin until next summer. Special meeting planned to conclude annual meeting business and update residents on Delta Construction situation.
October 2012 Board Meeting Minutes
Annual meeting planning with speakers, topics of discussion, Amendments and Bylaws questions sent to members, responses were discussed. September berm opening improved lake water quality,
September 2012 Board Meeting Minutes
There is a foul smelling white scum on the Lake and it is at a record low level of 8 inches below normal. Two dead barracuda found. The water is anaerobic and stagnant. The area by the Kukilakila Island has improved following removal of large rocks and sediment. General meeting planning. By-laws questions for presentation at the general meeting.