Planning for special meeting to discuss and vote on special assessment for 2014-2015 fiscal year. Replacement Board Members for current vacancies. Block Captain Experiences discussed. New Neighbor Program from Title Guaranty approved. The lake has dropped to an elevation of 1’6”. The project to provide a siphon from the Kawai Nui Marsh to one of the canals feeding the lake has begun pumping water that will eventually make its way into the lake and the level should slowly rise to 2’.
March 2015 Minutes
Lake is relatively healthy. New private dock at Kukilakila requested and discussed. Approval by Bob upon review of their plans. Delinqency letters to owners mailed. Special assessment to pay for ongoing Delta litigation was discussed and voted to approve. Discussion of variety of legal and financial issues related to how ELRA and Kukilakila can cooperate in maintaining the lake.
February 2015 Minutes
New treasurer volunteers, block captain packets reviewed, key date calendar underway, cleanup crew worked at end of January. City obtained permit to open lake whenever they want, board to write letter to city regarding set dates for opening of the berm.
January 2015 Minutes
Block plan update, lake level was at 2’10” last month and 2’0” this month due to dry weather, proposed offer of dredging of the Kukilakila boat ramp canceled, Wounded Warrior program on the lake.
December 2014 Minutes
As there was no quorum, no official business was conducted and minutes were not taken.
November 2014 Minutes
Introduction of Board of Directors, election of officers, assignment of directors areas of focus, discussion of block captain duties, lake opening status and related events.
October 2014 Minutes
As there was no quorum, no official business was conducted and minutes were not taken.
September 2014 Minutes
As there was no quorum, no official business was conducted and minutes were not taken. Annual meeting, monthly lake cleanup and recruiting for board members discussed.
August 2014 Minutes
Berm was opened prior to Hurricane Iselle to reduce flooding. Lake maintenance and annual meeting planning.
June 2014 Minutes
As there was no quorum, no official business was conducted and minutes were not taken.
May 2014 Minutes
As there was no quorum, no official business was conducted and minutes were not taken.
April 2014 Minutes
Berm was opened at the beginning of the month. Evaporation exceeds the rainfall and the water level will drop a little each day during this time of year. Girl scout oyster project presented. Special assessment meeting planned.
February 2014 Minutes
Eagle scout projects, water quality, special membership meeting planning.
January 1014 Minutes
Enchanted Lake Residents Association, Board Meeting, Tuesday January 14, 2014 Present: Gus Gustavson, Greg Colbert, Bob Molyneux, Doug Kroll, Darren Rogers, Michele Compton, Margaret Novack, Stephen Kofsky, Kelly Adams, Jennifer Creedon Cindy Turner (Webmaster), Melody Spencer (Assistant Secretary) Absent: Don Young, Rod Castanha, Linda Jenks, Kelo Maosi A quorum was declared and the meeting called […]
December 2013 Minutes
Enchanted Lake Residents Association, Board Meeting, Tuesday December 10, 2013 Present: Gus Gustavson, Rod Castanha, Greg Colbert, Bob Molyneux, Doug Kroll, Michele Compton, Margaret Novack, Jennifer Creedon Cindy Turner (Webmaster), Bob Bourke (Scientific Advisor), Melody Spencer (Assistant Secretary) Absent: Don Young , Kelly Adams, Stephen Kofsky, Linda Jenks, Kelo Maosi, Alan Richardson, Darren Rogers A […]