Bob B circulated a lake map which indicates which areas have been cleared of algae by Pono Pacific. They are approximately 50% finished. Bob has been coordinating with Pono Pacific daily and the goal is to remove 20 cubic yards/day. There will be a meeting on Wednesday with the attorney, Bob B and Bob S to submit a total to Delta for the clean-up which includes $190,000 for 3 months of cleaning. A settlement would stipulate no further contamination of the Lake. Bob S has contacted American Marine for a dredging estimate. Ron Rickman received a letter from the Dept. of Business, Economic Development and Tourism stating that the Coastal Zone Management requires mitigation proposals and plans and monitoring plans for the permit. Bob B sent a letter to the Army Corp of Engineers and was told that the deadline for comments on the berm openings was last December. There is a permit ready to be signed but no bulldozer can be used. Work must be done with a long reach backhoe and it is broken. Kelly will contact the enforcement officer.
July 2011 Board Meeting Minutes
Kelly reported that Pono Pacific was the only company to provide a bid for the algae removal. A contract which includes removal and disposal for under $30,000 has been signed with ELRA providing some of the labor. They are scheduled to begin orientation this week and start work on Monday 7/18/11. The work should take 25 days. We have not heard from Delta recently and the 10 day deadline for a response will be next week. There have been four Lake clean-ups to remove algae. One clean-up was covered on KITV news. Bob B has invented a scooping method using fencing on the front of the boat which works well. Kukilakila has been very helpful in assisting with the clean-ups and allowing use of the boat ramp and disposal bin.
June 2011 Board Meeting Minutes
Bob B reports the result of a test harvest in two areas, by Kukilakila and Kimo’s Cove. They were able to harvest 3 cubic yards per hour. There is an estimated 500 cubic yards of algae in the Lake which would fill 50 dump trucks. The algae may double every 4-10 days. The recent rain affected the water but not the algae. Use of our emergency funds for cleanup of the algae was discussed. Ron and Nicole took 20 bags to the dump (with many problems) and state that it smells really bad. The algae dries to a 10%weight. Efforts to be reimbursed through the attorney will continue and she is meeting with Delta on Thursday. Analysis of the soil and algae collected by the drain closest to the construction run off showed increased iron content. There was a motion from Franklin to commit up to $30,000 for work to clean-up the algae bloom. Bob S has suggested that we offer forgiveness of past fees and penalties for residents in exchange for a commitment to keep current on fees for 5 or 7 years. He feels that now is a time when we must present a united front to the public as well as maintain revenues. Bob B reports that the initial mangrove is 75-80% removed.
May 2011 Board Meeting Minutes
Bob B has had conversations with several City officials about the berm situation. KNB also had committed to sending a letter to the City. Bob B was able to coordinate a project with about 75 marines to clean up the park at the entrance to Kailua. There was a clean-up last month. There will be another one this week which will concentrate on the algae bloom in an attempt to quantify the problem. Bob B states that history supports the conclusion that the algae are a result of the construction run-off from recent storms.
April 2011 Board Meeting Minutes
Ron reported discussing the dredging project with Farley Watanabe and he states that an agency coordination letter will go out this week. We are asking for a letter of permission which gives us 5 years to complete the project. There is no permit on the horizon for the berm openings but the Lake is currently healthy from the rains. There have been two mangrove clean-ups on the stream and participation has been poor.
March 2011 Board Meeting Minutes
Bob B will send a letter to Kioke Miyamoto of the City Division of Facilities Maintenance outlining reasons for pushing the permit process forward. Copies will also be sent to the Army corps of engineers and the politicians. Bob B attended a seminar off island today on BMPs and was able to share frustrations over the Koapa subdivision problems. Bob B and Cal attended the March Community meeting and reported on the Koapa issues and our attempts to contact the DOH about the failure of their BMPs. KNB members have been invited on a Lake tour and Cal and Bob will take some out on Saturday.
February 2011 Board Meeting Minutes
Board members shared their ideas on what we want the public to know. The berm was opened by tractor and firemen last week during a rain event.
January 2011 Board Meeting Minutes
There was discussion about a recent blog from Malia Zimmerman which contained much misinformation. Bob B did send her an email and asked her to contact him with no reply. It was felt that responding further to her would not be productive. Her information did not include steps for preventing sewage spells or dealing with the fragile ecosystem. Bob S suggested that the association should send out regular press releases that should also include a mission statement. The berm opened naturally and with some assistance during the recent storm and was open for 14 days. The opening was 150 feet wide and 4 feet deep. Right now the Lake level is down as a result of dropping tide levels. The sand has been shifting as the surf directions change and has resulted in more sand in the mouth of the canal.
December 2010 Board Meeting Minutes
Bob B has a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers for dredging of the boat ramp. It is good for 1 year. The Lake must dispose of the solids up to 25 cubic yards. Kukilakila has agreed to the dredging as long as there is no cost to them. Ron shared a “Public notice of request for permit”. Nicole sent a response letter emphasizing the importance to the Lake.